Hunger in the Vent

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-Invisio Corpus! - I casted the spell as silently as I could, and I started to peek out from behind the tree. I saw nothing and nobody. An eerie silence took over the room. The wendigo disappeared and I didn't see Kage either. It was a silence that ran cheers down my spine, made my heart race and fear for my life. Then I heard Kage's voice casting a spell.

-Defensio! - he shouted. It was a spell against physical attacks only. I heard him cry both the wendigo and him in pain. The blood of the wendigo made him reappear, and I felt less scared. My senses came back, and for a reason, my brother's smile came to mind, and I came out of my hiding place, as I saw the wendigo raise an arm, revealing his deadly claws. Kage reacted as well.



-Invisio Corpus! - said the two of us at the same time, and we hid, before the wendigo came to his senses. The problem is, that while a person casted Invisio Corpus on itself, another spell can't be casted without revealing the person's body. I remembered a spell that I didn't use yet, which gave me hope.

-Kage - I started.  -The wendigo. The only way we can kill him, is if we can hit his heart with Argentumus. That's the only way we can kill it.

-Are you insane? In order to cast it, you must be standing right in front of him! - Kage's figure suddenly appeared and revealed a deep wound in his shoulder.

-I'm okay! - He shrugged away my helping hand. - His chest is partly frozen, which means we have to melt it first. I will cast Liqus first, and then you can make a direct hit with Argentumus. - He kissed me on the lips, which was stopped when I heard the wendigo shout in anger.

Kage revealed himself and cast Liqus which didn't hit him directly on the chest, but melted the ice anyway. Oh, how much I adored the spell right now. Before the wendigo could hit him again, he jumped away. It was my turn. I felt cowardice in myself, and I didn't know what came over me, but the next moment I was standing in front of the wendigo. I looked into his eyes and I stared. I raised my wand.

-Argentumus! - The beam of silver light was way brighter than the one I cast in the secret room, it surprised me even more. I hit his chest as hard as I could, and I saw the wendigo collapse. But his left hand swung right at me, and it was something I couldn't avoid.


I hit the wall rather hard, but I was safe. I saw the lifeless body of the wendigo and the surprise on Kage's face. He wasn't looking at me, but at...THE HEADMASTER?

He and some professors entered the room, and I also saw a hellhound, which was rather similar to a demon dog. The eyes of the dead wendigo was the last thing that I've seen before passing out, remembering how a dragon appeared in them.

I woke up in the Hospital Chamber with an aching head. This time Calum was the one sitting on a chair next to my bed. Without a word, I hugged him very tightly.

-Are you alright? - I asked.

-I've never been better. Are YOU?

-I've been better, but I will live.

I looked around, and I didn't see Kage at all.

-He is at the principal's office getting a scolding of a lifetime, so he has bigger problems than a little scratch on his shoulder that has already healed.

I was puzzled.

-How long was I out?

-A day. But he is a vampire, remember?

-How could I forget?

-Kendra. I wanted to thank you as well for what you did for me. You put yourselves in danger, just to save me and I will never forget your kindness. Thank you.

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