The Pulse of a Spell

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From the three of us, I was the only one who took enchantment class. I wasn't usually late, but The Book of Nearly All The Answers kept me awake. I had such a vivid dream about it, that I couldn't just forget it.  I remember READING it, even though there were no letters written on the pages or anywhere else as a matter of fact, beside the unusual title. I don't remember the words from my dream, only that they felt important, but I remembered that they appeared out of the blue.

What snapped me out of my thoughts was a massive bang above my head, that made the ground shake under me and I recall some dust from the ceiling falling on me, and I suddenly felt a cold breeze. There was a massive hole in the ceiling, and I could swear that I saw something tunnel-like as well. I didn't notice when I took out my wand. It suddenly was just...there. A door opened suddenly near me, and I remember Professor Blockheart coming out of his class.

-What on Earth are you doing? - he shouted at me.

-It wasn't me!

I know for a fact that he didn't believe me, which resulted in me going to the principal's office, instead of enchantment class. Peter Rhandall. The current principal, who I've only talked to once, when I transferred here. He didn't strike me as a kind person, but deep down, I knew that he cared about the students and that was all I had to rely on.

When he walked out of a back door, I saw some changes in him. He was wearing a black robe that covered the rest of his outfit. On his side there was an old bag, it seemed like it was empty, so it looked like he was about to go somewhere.

-Greetings headmaster. - I gulped down my nerves when he looked me in the eye. He had very dark eyes with brown hair and a beard that didn't go below his chin.

-Ms. Kendra. - he said with a deep voice. - Professor Blockheart wrote that you have taken an interest in using magic ON the school.

-I swear, Headmaster, that I did not do that.

-Then who did? - he asked fiercely.

-I don't know. But I would never do such a thing, even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to cast such a strong spell that causes the ground to shake.

-The ground did not shake.

-But it did. I was there.

-The Professor Blockheart saw nobody else, but you, and now there's a hole on the ceiling that affects the ventilation system.

-I don't recall doing it. Headmaster you must believe me, I...

He raised his hand, and I was forced to stop speaking.

-My job is to keep an eye out for students. Whether that's good or bad. I failed with Mr. Derek. I will not fail again. You caused damage, and I will not hear the excuses.

-So Professor Blockheart's word comes over mine?

-I believe what I see. - he said it with a mysterious tone, and I didn't understand what he meant by that, but at least I know that it was the vent system that was hit, and not one of the corridors from above.

-I'm going to Hollow Street, and for detention, I will have you come with me, and you will spend the rest of the day catching up with the studies you missed.

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