The Magical Garden

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The tunnel kept getting smaller and narrower until it reached the size of how a normal vent system should look like. But at the end of it, I saw a beam of light, which showed a large room. I turned back.

-I can see a room. More like a cave I added.

-Can we make it there? - He asked. His height was clearly a disadvantage. With our knees on the ground along with our hands, we started to crawl towards the room. The light at the end kept getting brighter and brighter. After what seemed like forever, we ended up in a rather large space.

The trees were massive with incredibly thick trunks. I didn't know how they even grew here, where there isn't a single beam of sunlight. There was one lantern that hung from the tree, and different symbols were written on it. It made everything else look darker around it. Freya's Garden was made of five massive trees and four smaller ones. In the middle there was a small pond where lotus flowers let out a very faint light. Under the largest tree was a white bench. It seemed like somebody was sitting on it, staring at the pond. From the curves, it seemed like it was a man. Kage grabbed my arm and took his wand out.

My gaze travelled from the man, to what LED to the man. It was a massive footprint that didn't belong to a human, and there was some ember left in the tracks as well. Kage was frozen  in place for far too long.

-Kendra... I smell blood. A lot of it. Coming from him.

-Ran said the figure. - when he turned around, His face was drenched in blood, and it was a wonder that he didn't bleed out. That's when I noticed that he had an arm missing. I wanted to help him, but I was also scared at the same time.

I stopped in my tracks as I heard a deep growl coming from the depths of the cave. I focused my wand on the noise's source as my eyes became wider. A towering creature dressed in torn rags with a gaunt physique stood there in the poorly lit room. The creature's extended limbs ended in razor-sharp claws, and its eyes blazed with an evil desire. Fear took over me, but I couldn't move at all. A deer skull was on the head of the creature and massive antlers towered that nearly touched the ceiling. Suddenly, everything made sense. I remembered Professor Kelda's class and our homework. Wendigo. It was a wendigo all along. His claws were surrounded by fog, and they let out a metallic-like scratching sound as he stepped on the rocks.

Wendigos crave human flesh. They finish every meal they can have and if they starve, they stock the flesh, but they prefer to be uninterrupted. He was eating Derek, but I appeared. He wanted to finish Calum, but he resisted and he gave up. He bewitched him, so he would turn into a wendigo when he eats human flesh. That's why he wanted to bite Polly, then he bewitched me, when I attacked the ceiling. He was moving in the vent system through the whole school, squeezing himself to wherever he could. The day where Derek died, I met him. He was just invisible that day. He created the cold. He created the fog and HE hurt my friend. It suddenly all made sense. How come I've never thought of a wendigo before?

I stood in my tracks as he was approaching us. This time, it is proper revenge. I saw Kage's face lighting up, his thoughts probably matched mine. He was hiding here, in Freya's Garden all along. The only thing I didn't know was how do you kill an immortal creature. Its eyes showed hunger, we clearly looked like fresh food for him. Suddenly a bone-chilling roar rang the entire room.

The wendigo emerged from the darkness, charging towards us. The sound of attack and defensive spells made air fizzing and soon the wendigo cried out in pain. This didn't last long, because he started to regenerate and we were exhausted after what seemed like hours. I got separated from Kage. A massive tree hid my figure as I saw the wendigo slowly turning invisible.

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