Freya's Garden

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I was walking behind the principal. I would be honoured to accompany him, if it weren't for detention. Hollow Street was crowded at this hour, there were many witches and wizards going from one shop to the other carrying bags that seemed very heavy. I realised that some were christmas shopping, before the prices suddenly went up. I followed the headmaster into a rather curious shop that I've never seen before. "Black Lakes". It was a mixture of everything, there were common and rare items. Some had ridiculous price tags, and it kept me wondering how can this one shop compete with the rest in Hollow Street if it's empty. Because it was, besides some magical creatures and us, there was nobody, but the shopkeeper.

-Ah! Mr. Rhandall, did you come and collect your item?

-Did it arrive?

-Certainly! This morning, your time is impeccable, as always.

The shopkeeper was hilarious looking. He was dressed as if he were part of a dark and secret sect, and this way, he fitted into the theme of the shop. I couldn't help, but wonder if this was how he usually dressed. But when I saw the item handed over, I nearly fainted in surprise.

The title: One Of The Many Book Of Nearly All The Answers.

I was shocked, but before I could take a closer look, the headmaster frowned and put the book away from my curious sight. He didn't talk to me, just left after tossing a bag filled with coins.

-Headmaster. What kind of book is that?

-A rare one. - he said, while walking at a faster pace.

-How do you use it?

-None of your business. And I would really appreciate it if you would stay silent for the rest of the day.

The next shop was a pet shop. "Dear Felines and Dodgy Dogs". I was more bothered by the name of the shop, than what was inside. Unlike the other shop, this was packed. I could barely keep up with the headmaster. I was fascinated by the amount of creatures there. There were normal dogs and cats as well, but I also saw some unique tammers, a few sunchaser moths, a very creepy looking whozawhatsit, an eerie eel, and one that I really wanted to buy was an elven firefly. But the only thing that the headmaster has bought was some phoenix food and rat poison. Which I had to carry!

My arms went numb, by the time we went into a third shop. "Used And New Books". This shop had a normal title, but it looked the least normal from the inside. It was way messier than our library looked like, when Fuffy played with the librarian. In our library the books were flying or floating around the ceiling. Here? Not at all. They were playing tag BETWEEN the people, knocking over multiple piles of books that eventually went back into their places by themselves. I also saw some characters coming in and out of storybooks. It was also fascinating and mindblowing. But this time, the headmaster only talked to some very "dodgy" looking characters. A man who looked like he was in his seventies and a girl, who couldn't have been much more than I was. I was eavesdropping on their conversation, while pretending to read a random book.

-We found deep bite marks all over his body... - said the girl.

-Were they deep? - asked the headmaster.

-Very much so. - answered the man. -The force was brutal, and this wasn't a vampire.

-Are you interested in it? - I heard somebody speaking to me.

-Um... -I looked at the book I was holding for the first time. It read "Freya's Garden".

-It's a wonderful story. I believe we met before. You came here to buy books for when you attend Axtion, am I right?

-Yes ma'am. - I was deeply cursing, because I couldn't hear a word of the conversation.

-Freya's Garden is actually in Axtion.- she said.

-Where? -Because I've never heard about it before.

-The book doesn't say. But it's well hidden. -she started giggling. - Do you know what's its charm?

-No. -I answered fast, because I couldn't care less, until she said:

-Lovers make the strongest bonds there. It has enchanted plants and wonderful creatures. I even saw some flower spirits.

-You've been there? In Axtion?

-Why of course, Peter was my classmate.

-Headmaster Rhandall?

-Correct. We found the garden together. It's a shame that it's sealed. But I believe it's accessible from the East Tower.

-That's the boy's dorm, I believe. Pardon me, but do you have healing spell books? -I asked, because I didn't want to discuss such matters with a stranger, and I found them rather improper. And maybe this way, I would find something that will help Calum.

-I'm afraid I sold the last one this morning, but Freya's garden has some magical healing apples.

-Let's go. - said the headmaster dragging me out with his words. My next step was to find Freya's Garden.

-Let's go. - said the headmaster putting a book on the beast food that I was holding. I couldn't wait to get back, to tell Kage about the news.

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