A Lover in Danger

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After the incident, I avoided the library, and I spent most of the day with my Kage wondering if we could have done anything. Kage and Calum seemed to take it better than I did, they were over it faster. I had no idea where Froyd was, but there's one thing I know. Every person grieves differently and maybe he has his own way too.

My way of grieving was accompanied by a notebook and colourful pencils. I was in the courtyard, drawing an old oak tree, when heavy footsteps approached me. I knew that it was Kage, but I didn't look up.

-How are you? - he asked in a kind tone.

-Honestly? A little bit better, but not much. Does that make me a bad person?

-No. How can a person be happy above, if he sees grieving people after him, whenever he looks down?

-Makes sense, I guess

-What do you have there? - He pointed at my art, and sat down next to me. Our shoulders brushed alongside each other and I felt much safer. His fingers brushed away a loose hair strand, which made me blush. He laughed.

-An old oak tree. - I said, trying to change the topic.

-It has quite colourful leaves.

-It's almost autumn. Think of my drawing as a "prophecy". - We laughed. Crazy Meda had a lot of effect on our jokes and it made me feel better. This was overruled when I felt a chilly breeze brushing against my skin.

-Do you know, what does an oak tree symbolise? He asked with a handsome smile on his face.

-No, I don't.

-It does many things, and two of them are strength and justice. We must be strong, and I know that he will be avenged.

-Thank you.


-Making me feel better.

I rested my head on his shoulders, while the cold gave me comfort. He kissed the top of my head and we talked for hours about small silly things. Dreams, jokes, friends and I felt courage building up inside me. Maybe one day, I can tell him about my brother, but for now. I really want to enjoy this rare moment, while it lasts. His voice was smooth and comforting, so much that I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

That day, if it weren't for a very cool breeze, I would have slept until tomorrow.

-Why don't we go inside? - asked Kage, who sensed that I was awake, and I nodded in agreement.

-Sorry, I just needed to rest. I didn't realise how tired I have been.

-I really don't mind if a beautiful girl likes to rest on my shoulders. Truly.

Little did we know, that going in is quite unfortunate. The reason is that I spotted something, rather, somebody, who I felt only disgusted to see, even though I have never seen him before.

It was a guy, maybe a little bit older than us. He had brown hair with blue eyes, and muscles showing out. I would have found him quite charming, if he wouldn't have belonged to the Vampire Hunter (VH) company. Kage was incredibly displeased and confused, but most of all, probably afraid. After all, this is what ended his parents. I didn't even bother asking "are you okay?" , because the answer seemed obvious.

He was talking with Crazy Meda, who seemed very pleased with his presence. Next to her, Blockheart, looked rather displeased and annoyed, but then again, he was always like that. This was probably his happy face. I can't really tell. Professor Meda was one of the professors, who wasn't aware that Kage is a vampire, but Blockheart, very much so.

Kage froze in place, and I was wondering, why did Headmaster Rhandall allowed him on school grounds, knowing Kage's identity. A voice spoke behind us, and I jumped in surprise.

-I'm sorry if I scared you young lady. - A man, around his fifties, was standing in front of us, dressed in a very formal outfit. I recognised who he was in an instant. The Department of Sorcery and Witchcraft (DSW). How come that I didn't think of this before? I no longer believed that the headmaster had a choice regarding his presence.

-My name is Harvey Wilson. - he seemed to be a bright man, but I prefered to keep my guard up. - May I?  - with that he headed towards Blockheart and Meda.

-Excuse me, Mr. Wilson. May I ask why are you here?

-The Department wants to eliminate the possibility that a vampire is on school grounds. Don't worry, nothing will happen while we are here. Let me introduce my best hunter so far. Gerard Watson, he will be staying here for a while, until the issue is solved.

I shaked his hand, but Kage didn't. He greeted him with a smile, and apparently that was enough for Gerard.

-How about you guys show him around?

-No,no, they have to clean up my potion cabinet. They made quite a mess. - I realised that Professor Blockheart was covering for us, so I took his Kage's hand, and we were off.

-Right away Professor! - we answered in sync.

-And head straight there, we don't want you to disturb the rest of the hunter's work. - he added.

I had no idea there's more than these two, so we proceeded with caution. Professor Blockheart was a quick thinker, because we didn't run into anybody and this class was the closest.

-Vampire Hunters?! - burst the nerve out of Kage. - Can it get any worse than this?

-Look, I realise that this looks bad, but they won't stay for long. There's no way that last night was done by a vampire. The scene was too...chaotic.

-It doesn't matter, Kendra! I'm a vampire and these are professionals! Do you have any idea what they do to my parents?

-I do, as a matter of fact. But they weren't resistant to sunlight. They just saw you walking in broad daylight.

This seemed to calm him down. I cupped his face and reassured him that everything is going to be alright.  I kissed him slowly, right before I hugged him. He hugged me back, and I realised that Kage isn't as strong as I thought. This scared me for a bit, because I wasn't sure enough if I could protect him.

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