Time is Running Out

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The next day, I decided to sneak out of the castle and head to town. Alone. I needed some fresh air, and the best way to take a break is to buy christmas presents before I have no time for it. This is rather an excuse to the fact that I have nothing to do. Axletown was incredibly beautiful this autumn, and I enjoyed looking at the colourful leaves of trees. The streets weren't crowded, but there were quite a lot of people hanging around.

There were different stands in the market, and I decided to try my luck in each. My gaze travelled through one of the stalls, and I spotted a rather good looking comb. It matched Elaina's blue eyes, so I was over the first obstacle. The next obstacle was jumped over, when Rita's present came in sight. It was a green clover brooch. I remember her saying that she loved plants, and I genuinely thought that it was going to go well with her red hair.

Soon after, I was cursing myself, as I had realised, that I forgot to bring more money. I felt something cool hit my nose. It started to rain, so I decided to treat myself with a good, warm hot chocolate. The first place that came to mind was the Resting Cat. It was a pub that had a massive cat statue in front of it. I've been here once before, with Calum and Kage, before we were barely even friends. It was a memory I fondly remembered.

When I went in, I was greeted by the smell of different drinks and food, it instantly made me smile. After placing my order, I sat down at the back of the bar, where only two tables were. Two elderly men were speaking to each other, but what caught my attention was the newspaper on their table.

Murder at Hollow Street - was written on the first page.

I was shocked. Hollow Street was a very crowded area with usually high security. The men noticed me looking at it.

-Are you interested? - he asked with a smile.

-May I?

He handed me the paper, and I started to scan through it.

Murder at Hollow Street

Petigor Radison was found dead on a Sunday evening in a corner of Hollow Street by Vanderium's shopkeeper. The Department of Sorcery and Witchcraft has started an investigation along with the Vampire Hunters, who had taken an interest regarding the case.

The cause of death is clearly murder, but the culprit hasn't been found.

There were no witnesses to the murder whatsoever, nor suspects nor the murder weapon or how he was killed. Boreals have also been alerted according to the Department. Our thoughts are with the family...

I didn't read the full text, but this much was enough for me to connect Derek to Petigor. And I had a quick thought, that made my chill run down my spine and turn my skin pale. Midnight. It's always midnight. I found Derek around midnight, and I heard a crack of a branch right before I looked into the library. I could have been the next victim, right that instant. I just had no idea what saved me.

-They are not going to find who did it, you know. - said the old man, while lighting his pipe.

-How come? - I asked with utter curiosity, but he just started giggling.

-I was a boreal once too. Terrible department, if you ask me. Everybody was always depressed, and no good either! Boreals can't deal with something that's missing. But with something that's already found.

-So, how do you catch him, Sir?

-That's a damn good question.

I handed the paper back when my hot chocolate arrived, and my mind kept going back to Hollow Street. How I once walked down the street with my brother. Come to think of it, I should send a letter to him pretty soon.

I sneaked back to the castle, through the forest, dying to tell the boys what I had found. I wanted to check on Calum first, and the Hospital Chamber was closer anyway, so that was my first destination. To my surprise, I found Calum tied to the bed, staring at the ceiling, while barely blinking with fresh wounds and professors talking in a corner.

-Please leave, miss. It's not a good time for a visit.

-What happened?

-Ask your friend. - whispered the nurse.

She didn't answer any question of mine, just threw me out, which was quite harsh in my opinion. Why didn't she tell me anything? And how did Kage know?

I found my vampire reading in the library, and he looked at me with worried eyes.

-Where were you? - he asked angrily.

-Nevermind that. What happened to Calum?

He hesitated.

-He tried to kill himself. 

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