Chapter 12

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~Isabelle's POV~

I woke up and I didn't have the best dreams, well you can say they were more like nightmares. All I have to say is that they were all about Luke.

I got up and took a shower. I got out and put on a maroon shirt and black skinny jeans. I put on my converse and put some bracelets on. I put my hair in a ponytail. I then brushed my teeth.

I didn't feel like eating this morning for breakfast. So I just skipped breakfast.

"Want some cereal?" Ashton asked me.

"No I'm good, but thanks." I answered back.

Whenever Ashton was done eating we went to his car.


We got to school and I walked in and immediately saw Calum. I walked up to him.

"Morning!" I said and smiled.

He smiled back and replied, "Morning!"

"How are you?" I asked.

"Pretty good." He answered.

I walked to my locker with him, his locker is only like 3 lockers away from mine.

I got my books for class and other stuff I would most likely need.

"Hi!" Someone said from behind me and I know her voice. We haven't talked since... I don't even know a few days ago?

"Hi Riley" I said and turned around to see Riley and Niall. They are always together, never apart. I guess that's what couples do.... I think.

Right then at that very moment I wish i haven't had turned around. I saw Luke and Taylor literally swallowing each other. I just turned back around to my locker, I closed it and started to walk to class. I heard footsteps behind me.

"Isabelle hold up!" It was Calum.

I slowed down a bit so he can catch up. I didn't notice how fast I was walking until now.

Calum caught up to me. "Are you okay? You looked a bit hurt back there." Calum said.

"Yes I'm perfectly fine Calum! Fine. I obviously love to see my crush and my bully eating each other's faces off. I just love it so much!" I said sarcastically. Then realized how I was taking all my anger out on Calum. "Sorry's just.." I tried to apologize but he cut me off.

"It's okay I know, I know. You wanna hug?" He said holding out his arms.

I nodded and then he pulled me into a hug and I hugged back. He then pulled back.

"We need to start walking to class. Let's go." with that we went to class.


~Luke's POV~

I'm super scared!

As you probably already know. Or you didn't, now you do.

Today I have to punch Isabelle in the face. Just for Taylor my girlfriend....I love saying that.

Not but seriously I don't want to hurt her. She's going to start hating me, and I don't want her to.

I just have to do it and not chicken out.

So once we go in the hallway to go to our next class, that's when I have to...
I'm sorry Isabelle.


~Isabelle's POV~

I'm walking out of class with Calum right now and we both have science next.

"Hey Isabelle!" I heard from behind me.

It's Luke.

I knew it was him. I turned around and right away someone punched me in the face.

"Ow" I said.

My face was hurting, a lot.

I opened my eyes a bit to see that it was Luke that punched me. I feel tears in my eyes.

"Isabelle!" Calum said and tries to help me up. "I need to take you to the nurse."

He helped me up and he picked me up bridal style and carried me to the nurse. We went in the nurse. I've already told my nurse almost like everything, everything about Taylor and her 'minions'. I told her about Luke. Everything.

She had me lay down. She gave me an ice pack. And she cleaned up my nose which was bloody. I had a bit of a bruise on my cheek but I'm fine. My head also really hurts.

"Are you okay now?" Calum asks me sounding worried.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Isabelle, do you want to take a bit of a nap so your head won't hurt as much?" my nurse, nurse nancy asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Have a good nap." Calum said to me.

I fell right to sleep..

~Michael's POV~

I walked past the nurses room and I saw Isabelle in there with Calum. She had an ice pack on her head and she was asleep, I hope. I can see this bruise on her cheek a bit.

Who did that to her?


It has to be. Good that he's in my next class.

I'm going to talk to him.


It was time to go to our last class for today.

I walked in and sat in the desk next to Luke.

"Why did you do that to Isabelle??!" I asked.

"Do what??" He said.

"Punch her."


"Ohh? Is that all you have to say?? Why are you doing this to her?? Since you got with Taylor you've changed. And it's a bad change. I want the old Luke back! I don't like the new Luke. This Luke bullies Isabelle for no reason. Isabelle is hurt. And what you don't know is that Isabelle li-" I stopped myself.

I was so close to telling Luke that Isabelle likes him but I didn't.

I stood up and went to another desk.

I can't take that picture out of my head of Isabelle. She's hurt, in the inside and out. It hurts to see someone you really care about hurt.


Hello! Long time no see. I'm back😁 have I been gone for a long time? I don't even know..😬 but I think I haven't been here for a few weeks...? Here's a chapter to make up for that☺️ the POVS change a bit so keep a look out. Thank you thank you thank you for reading! 😘😊 I hope you liked it😄vote,comment,and all that jazz!✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Until next time!✌🏼️
Luv ya💕👑😘

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