Diapered Date! (Pt. 6)

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"Piper, can you say something..." said Jake, as Piper stood there, not saying a word.
Piper didn't know whether to trust Jake, she didn't know whether to follow Justin and Jessie's advice.
Jake followed up from his last sentence, "Well if you could forgive me, I would really like to go out on a date with you." and Piper was even more shocked.
Piper then realized she had been dreaming of this moment for a long time, so she said yes. Jake smiled and he went to hug her. They embraced. Jake walked Piper home, and they both agreed to go on a date come the weekend. Piper went to sleep feeling great, knowing this week she will finally go on a date with the boy she has had a crush on for a long time.

It was now Saturday. Piper has had a tough week at school, trying to ignore all of the teasing from classmates about her diaper problem. Piper woke up this morning in a soiled and soaked diaper. She was very excited for her date with Jake. She hadn't told Justin or Jessie, even Megan as she didn't want anyone to judge her. She just hopes Jake is really willing to take her side over Kats. Emma changed Piper's diaper, and as always, she could not help but blush. Emma wanted Piper to wear a regular diaper today, as she has leaked almost everyday this week wearing a pull up. It felt way too cold today to wear a skirt, so Piper decided to wear jeans, hoping no one would pay attention to the giant bulge around her crotch and butt. Piper and Jake are going to meet at theme park, where they will spend the day having fun, riding rides, eating junk food, and getting to know each other better.

Piper turned up at the gate to wait for Jake to arrive, but as she did she saw Jessie arrive with a boy. The boy looked like he was in his mid-20's, very young and handsome. Jessie saw Piper and went to say hi, along with the boy who she was with.
"Hi Piper, what are you doing here?" Jessie asked.
"Just meeting my friend here!" Piper responded, not wanting to say she was meeting with Jake.
"Cool, I'm here on a date, with Devin here." Jessie said.
"That's great, hope you guys have fun!" Piper said back, hoping they would go quickly incase Jake appeared. 
Jessie and Devin said bye to Piper, and headed into the park. Piper was relieved, as Jake had just arrived. They both hugged but Jake seemed nervous. Piper and Jake went into the park, ready for an awesome day.

Jessie and Devin started their day hitting some of the smaller rides, and they would work their way to the big ones. They stopped to grab some food and drinks too throughout the day. Jessie and Devin previously met on Tinder, and this was their first ever date, so they didn't know each other very well. They went on one of the big rollercoasters and they were in the cart together. As they went on the ride Devin began to notice a pink waistband appearing from Jessie's pants. Devin knew exactly what they were. Jessie was wearing a pull up. After they got off the ride Devin had to ask Jessie for confirmation though.
"Jessie, are you wearing a pull up?" Devin asked, trying not to make Jessie feel like she was being judged.
Jessie was embarrassed but knew she could not lie. They went somewhere quiet and Jessie revealed she was.
"I'm sorry for not saying before. I know it's weird, it's just-" Jessie tried to explain, but Devin interrupted her.
"It's okay Jessie, I'm sorry for not saying anything either..." Devin said back, slightly revealing the blue pull up he was wearing. 
Jessie was shocked. She couldn't believe her date was wearing a pull up just like she was.
"So do you wear them because you like too, or because you have too?" Devin asked in a shy tone.
"I like to wear them because they're comfy. After a girl I had to babysit this summer wore them, I wanted to try them myself, and I can't stop wearing them." Jessie revealed.
Devin told Jessie that he also wears them for comfort, and said he has always loved to wear pull ups and diapers. Devin asked if Jessie wanted to come back to his place, and she said yes.

Piper and Jake were having a terrific date. They went on every single ride in the park in fact.
"Will Kat find out that we went on a date?" Piper asked Jake.
Jake said that he won't say anything, but he promises he will not let Kat or Tommy make fun of her anymore. Piper hugged Jake, then asked if he would help change her diaper as she wet twice throughout the day. The two went inside the bathroom together and Jake helped change Piper. He had done this before, and felt far more confident, but still tried to not look at Piper's private area. As they walked out the bathroom Piper was shocked to see Justin, standing only 30 feet away. Justin got a clear view of Piper standing with Jake. Justin didn't walk over or say anything, but his facial expression told Piper he was not happy. Justin then walked away with his family, and Piper knew she had messed up.

Jessie arrived at Devin's apartment with him, finding out he lives only a block away. Devin shows off all of his diapers. He even had adult onesies, pacifiers, a crib, and changing table. Jessie couldn't believe what she was seeing. Devin asked Jessie if she wanted to stay the night, and Jessie accepted. They both changed from pull ups into diapers, and put onesies on. They placed pacifiers into each others mouths, and were ready for a babyish weekend...

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