The Diapered Truth! (Pt.1)

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Jim and Emma were in complete shock! Their daughter was standing in front of them wearing a huge, messy white diaper. Jessie welcomed them home, trying to break the awkward silence but they still didn't say a word, or at least for a few seconds!
"What the f*ck are you wearing honey?" said Jim, not taking his eyes off the diaper, but Piper didn't respond, she just stood still completely embarrassed. Jessie tried to break the awkward silence again and responded to Jim.
"I-It's a... d-diaper... sir." Emma looked at Jessie and thanked her for pointing out the obvious. Emma then asked if Jessie could leave, so she did. Jessie said bye to Piper but she didn't say a word, just remained still and embarrassed. 

Emma took Piper upstairs to talk alone and they entered Piper's room. Emma was shocked by the number of diapers and asked her daughter what was happening. Piper burst into tears and fell into her mother's arms. Emma hugged her daughter but demanded she says what was going on. Piper knew she had to tell the truth, so she cleared the tears from her face and took a deep breath.
"I-I-I've been w-wetting the bed!" Piper said, stuttering almost every word. Emma was shocked and asked Piper why she didn't tell them but Piper said she knew she'd get into trouble. Emma told Piper she wouldn't be in trouble and they would've helped her. Piper then began to explain the whole story and how Jessie had Piper diapered, but she didn't tell her mom about the party incident.

Later on, Piper could hear her mother talking to Jim downstairs about everything that had happened to Piper. Piper then looked down at her diaper and saw it was expanding and the color yellow was becoming more visible. She was wetting herself without realizing it! Piper then got on the floor and grabbed another diaper, attempting to change herself but struggling. The door burst open but Jim quickly shut it after seeing his daughter on the floor naked changing her wet diaper. Jim apologized but Piper said it was okay, and then asked her dad if he could help change her. Jim came back in and helped change Piper, but Piper was blushing and embarrassed the whole time due to her father changing the diaper of his 16-year-old daughter. Jim helped his daughter up and kissed her head, telling his daughter that if she needed help with anything ask. They then both shared a hug.

Jim and Piper headed downstairs and were greeted by some wonderful cooking Emma had been doing. The family sat around the table and enjoyed Emma's amazing pasta dish. Emma gave Piper a new skirt as a gift they picked up whilst on their trip so Piper put it straight on as she was only wearing a diaper, shirt, and socks. After they finished eating they all sat in the living room and watched a movie together. Whilst they were watching the movie the doorbell rang so Piper offered to get up and see who was there, so she did. She opened the door and it was Jessie. Piper is shocked to see her back and asks what she is doing at her doorstep. Jessie reveals she is her because she never got paid. Emma walks to the door to see who it is and she realizes that she never paid Jessie, so she does that. Emma walks back to the living room but leaves Piper at the door to say bye to Jessie.

Jessie asks Piper how it went with telling her parents about the diapers. Piper said that it went fine and Jessie was right about them not caring. They share an awkward silence for a few seconds, but Piper soon breaks it and asks Jessie
"Why do you hate me?".
Jessie smiles at Piper and says she doesn't hate her, she was only trying to help her out with her problem.
Piper responds by saying "Well your help came in very useful at the party I went to!".
Jessie apologizes for making Piper wear a diaper at the party, but Jessie reminds Piper that she wouldn't have known exactly what was going to happen. Piper agrees with Jessie but doesn't say anything. Jessie hugs Piper and says bye, but just before she goes Jessie tells Piper she thinks that she is pretty cool and says she hopes they can hang out again sometime. Piper smiles at Jessie as she walks away, and then closes the door.

Piper heads back into the living room and cuddles back on the couch with her parents as they finish the movie they are watching. At some point, Piper wets her diaper but she doesn't realize it. After they finish watching Emma asks Piper if she needs help changing her diaper. Piper responds by saying "Wha-" before looking down at her wet and yellow diaper. Piper begins to blush as her mother takes her hand and lays her down on the floor, removing the soggy diaper. After Emma changes her daughter's diaper she takes Piper upstairs and puts her to bed. Piper gets into bed and thanks her mom for understanding her problem. Emma smiles at her daughter and kisses her, saying that she and Jim will always be there for Piper as she is their daughter. Piper hugs her mom and they share a hug before Emma leaves and turns off Piper's bedroom lights. 

Piper begins to try to fall asleep but she is having a hard time doing so. She can't stop thinking about Jessie, and how kind she was earlier that day. Piper's thoughts are interrupted when she hears knocking at the window. Piper gets onto her feet, only wearing a shirt and her fresh diaper. Piper pulls the curtains back to reveal Jake, sitting on the roof of Piper's house, knocking on her window...

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