Justin's Secret! (Pt. 5)

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Piper rushes back home after being totally embarrassed at school, and on the way back she decides to message Jessie, asking if she wanted to meet later. As Piper sent this message, Justin caught up to Piper with, still holding the picture of Piper at the party in his hand. Piper gets upset and sits down, as she notices the picture in Justin's hand. Justin feels bad for Piper, and without saying anything at first, he sits down next to Piper to comfort her. 
"Is it a medical condition?" Justin asks Piper.
Piper nods her head, unable to say a word to Justin.
"It's okay Piper, I understand, I had the same problem for my entire childhood." Justin says, as he puts his arm around Piper.
Piper feels comfortable around Justin, and thanks him for understanding. Piper then gets a response from Jessie, saying she can meet up tonight. Piper tells Justin she needs to head back home, so Justin offers to walk back with her.

As Piper and Justin walk home, Justin tells Piper more about his childhood, and how he grew up wearing diapers due to a similar problem which Piper has. Justin also shares embarrassing stories of what had happened to him when he was younger, involving his diapers. Piper tells Justin about the entire situation she went through over the summer, and they both agree to not tell anyone about each others diapered stories. As they approach home, Justin tells Piper to just ignore Kat and her friends, including Tommy and Jake. Piper says she will, but deep down still has mixed feelings for Jake. Justin and Piper say bye to each other, and head back to their houses, and Piper begins to get ready to meet Jessie. 

Piper walks into her house, and Emma notices that Piper's pull up had leaked, and Emma goes to change her. Emma puts Piper into a regular diaper, and Piper mentions that she is going out to meet Jessie. Emma tells Piper it is fine, and to take a spare diaper with her incase she needs to change. Piper asks if she can wear a pull up, but Emma does not want her to leak again, so tells her she must wear a diaper. Piper agrees and puts on a skirt, as she knows a diaper bulge will not be visible whilst wearing a skirt. As she continues to get ready to meet Jessie, she receives a message from Megan, asking if she is okay after what happened earlier. Piper tells Megan that she is fine, and from now on she will just ignore everyone who tries to make fun of her. Megan asks Piper if she is mad at Jake, and Piper tells her she is, but for still hanging around with Kat, and she knows Jake would not actually make fun of her. Piper soon realizes it is time to go and meet Jessie, so she does.

Whilst Piper walks to go and meet Jessie, she walks through the park, but the wind picks up, causing her skirt to begin to lift at the back without her noticing. This slightly reveals Piper's diaper to people around her, and after sometime she begins to notice, causing her to become embarrassed, and she quickly rushes out of the park. Piper approaches the restaurant where her and Jessie had agreed to meet, just so they could have something to eat and also catch up. Piper enters and heads over to where she sees Jessie sitting. They both greet each other and ask how they have both been. They get into conversation about Jake, and Piper reveals that she doesn't know what to do about him, as she doesn't know whether to give him a chance or not. Piper also brings up Justin, saying how great he makes her feel, and how kind he is. Jessie tells Piper to not rush into it, and that if Jake continues to hang around with Kat to not give him a chance. 

As the evening goes on, Piper asks Jessie why she so quickly decided to put her into diapers back in the summer when she babysat her. Jessie tells Piper that she just wanted to be safe, and not have the bedsheets ruined, as they would have both been in trouble if Jim and Emma found out. 
"But you didn't even give me a second chance..." responded Piper.
"It's always better to be safe than sorry! Besides, you look really cute in them anyway..." Jessie said back to Piper. 
Piper's face went red from embarrassment as Jessie and Piper both giggled. Piper then realizes her diaper is soaked, and she must have wet some point during the dinner. She asks Jessie if she would help change her. Jessie says yes, and they both head into the bathroom. Although Piper is used to Jessie changing her diapers, she still can't help but blush as her diaper is changed. Once they finish they leave the restaurant. Before they go their separate ways Jessie tells Piper that if she ever wants to she can hang out at her apartment anytime. Piper says she will, and to let Jessie know if she ever wants to. The two hug each other and walk away. 

On Piper's walk back home she can't help but think about how nice Jessie is, and how it was so different before the summer. She walks through the park again, and luckily there is no wind this time. As Piper leaves the park she runs into Jake, who tells Piper he wants to talk with her. Piper thinks back to what Justin said, and also what Jessie said, but before she can say anything Jake begins to apologize for ever sticking up for Kat and Tommy, and that he was wrong to do so. Piper still can't think of what to say, she just stands there, thinking about what to do...

Piper's in Diapers! (Season 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ