chapter 22

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Win pov

"so you are telling me that bright told her mother that he don't want to get married" i asked mike who is sitting in front of me and my parents.
"yes...and he didn't bulged from his decision even though his mother screamed at him and blackmailed him" he said while sipping his coffee. My parents and me look at each other. somewhere we all are satisfied with bright reaction. We wanted this. we wanted bright to fight against this marriage. then only we can able to take a step.

"is bright okay" i again asked him not able to control my feelings for my baby.

" not at all . he is in difficult situation. yesterday also he didn't able to sleep. that's why we have to go for walk at midnight. Then morning he woke m up immediately and told me that he want to go to family home. So we went their and back to back argument happened between his mom and him. And it made him to cry lot. so he is tired and sleep inside car" he said finally finishing his coffee and kept his cup on the table.

he finally stood up from the sofa. And me and my parents also stand up with him. he looked at my parents and me "i am leaving my brother here with lot of confidence in you guys. please take care of him. Until then i have to take care of something" he said with mysterious intention. I always sense that this person know something.

"mr mike i always feel that you have some secret. i also know you are not going to explain this to us. so i am going to let this time but i hope soon you are going to tell us" i said with smile.

"good observation mr win. Of course i will tell you but for that i have to collect evidence. So now i have to go take care bye" he said and leave the home.

"he seems mysterious to me" my paa said slouching on sofa.

"yeah" i said sitting beside my paa.

"he is so protective of bright.." my dad said . i nod to him. I don't know much about their family. All i know is bright has his mother and grand paa and they have publishing company which is managed by bright mother.

me and my dad looked at each other with knowing smile." why you are smiling at each other like this. You both are looking creepy" my paa said looking between my dad and me and we both start to laugh.

"ohh my god i know you both are going to play some dangerous game" he said hitting my dad shoulder.

"You will know soon baby" my dad said and got another hit.

"win i believe in you but don't do something stupid which hurt bright" he said with concern and warning at the same time.

"yes paa" i said. " now i will go and check on bright" i said  they nod to me.

i slowly opened my room door. I saw my baby is sleeping peaceful. I can see his eyes are little bit swollen.I move towards him and sit beside him on the bed. I feel like i am damn lucky to have bright in my life. But my baby is suffering lot.i don't understand why his mom want him to get married to that so called luke. Who is nothing compare to my baby. i don't know why bright's mother is so adamant about this marriage.

Anyway my baby is with me, that is all i want. If he decided he is not going to marry him , then i am going to stand with him. I  lean towards him and kiss on his forehead. Then only i realised his hairs are smelling like mine. that means he really using that shampoo which i gave to him. My baby is so pure with heart and i am never going to let anyone make him cry. I have to solve this as soon as possible. Then only my baby will stop crying.

I took my mobile and called fong. " are on off why did you called me" he asked irritatingly.

"no need to get irritated , i have work" i said annoyingly.

"if you wanted me to give me work,why in the hell did you take off and give me off to office" he snapped at me.

"can you stop snapping at me i have something to tell you" this time i said seriously .

"okay tell me" he said

"i want to higher private investigator"

"for what" he asked.

"For luke. Bright's fiance. I want to know about him"

"why suddenly.."he asked.

"I have some assumption in my mind. Because bright mom is forcing him to marry luke. I don't know for what reason. But i think there is something more deeper than what we seeing. So i want to higher investigator for luke and bright mother" i said with deep thought while moving towards my balcony. i don't want my baby to wake up and listen my words.

"are you sure win. It is risky and if bright got to know about this. What if he get angry." fong asked conciously.

"we never allow him to know about this. besides i am doing everything for him" i said looking at our garden.The orchid flowers are blooming and making garden look more beautiful.

"No you are doing everything for yourself. But anyway i am going to hire investigator which we last time hired for company scam. and that investigator is best for this task" he said.

"okay fong, it should remain only between us" i said.

"okay boss and bye i have to prepare lunch" he said and  disconnected the call. I went back to my room and sit beside Bright. I took my laptop and start to work on it until bright wake up.

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