chapter 17

726 62 17

Bright Pov

Me and rabbit boy going back to my home. He said he will drive me off home instead of his drivers. I didn't said anything.I just looked outside the window remembering what papa said to me.

Flash back

"Papa i am just confused" i said

"about me, my fiance and how i am acting with your son" i said looking at him softly.

" why you are confused " uncle said taking my hand in his. He start to squeze. It made me calm little bit.

"i am feeling like i am cheating on my fiance. Bright kissed your son" i said looking down in my lap. I am shy at the same time, embrassed of the situation i am. i am so wrong right. I am litterally engaged and i can't like someone else right. I asked my self.

"Do you love your fiance" uncle asked

"no"I said immediately

"do you like him as partner, may be in future love him" uncle said

"no i never felt that feeling towards him, that is why i am confused" I said

"......" uncle didn't said anything he just looked at me like he wanted me to continue to talk. And i talked

"the thing which i should feel with him, i am feeling for your son. I am more confused because i met your son just few days ago. Now already we kissed, h e makes me feel something.I am seeing my fiance since 4 years but i didn't get these type of feelings for him" I said.

"Awww my baby is really confused. Don't worry it happens to everyone. When i am like you i am also confused " papa said and then continued." First answer my questions honestly" he said and i nod to him.

" Do you like my winnie" Papa asked looking at me.

"I don't know but i like to be with him And i like whatever he does" i said honestly.

"What about your fiance" Paapa asked.

"I can't feel anything with him" i said

"Then it's clear . Give a chance to your heart and my winnie. it is very rare to found someone in our life to whom we feel something. My winnie likes you so much. And you still have a time to marriage. You can still choose what you want brighty. Its not too late to make decision.So think carefully about it."

Flashback ends

"We are here" I heard rabbit boy voice.

I didn't look at him , i just removed my seat belt and opened the car door.

"see you tommorow" he said i stopped and looked at him.I looked at him with confusion.Why we will see tommorow.

"We have add shooting" he said. Now i remembered so i just nod to him and turned to leave before something happen between us again.

"Bright" He called me with serious tone.Yet i liked it. I think i like all versions of him.

"Hum" i said and turned to look at him. He already standing behind me.

"Sorry if i made you uncomfortable , sorry if i made you confused. I just want you to know that I love you. And you are always welcome in my life. Just don't stress yourself. I don't want you to cry, specially because of me. Don't force yourself. I will wait for you." he said caressing my cheeks.

I closed my eyes. Thinking how can he so tough and soft at the same time. how can he so ruthless boss and caring person at the same time. How can i not stress myself when i have to choose my mother who gave life to me and my heart which is my life. Obviously i am confused. God please do something. P luke if you acted with me like this, then i never feel like this with other man.

"bright" he called me" baby don't stress yourself too much" He said . Now his thumb are at my temples.I opened my eyes and looked at him.The way he called me baby , i feel giddiness in my heart and goose bumps all over my body.

"I just want to sort out things" I said.

He removed his hand from me and nod to me with smile and said" I know, take your time"I nod to him.

"good night sweet dreams" i said

"My dreams are now days sweet because you always come in my dream" he said teasingly.

I felt hot and i know right now i am looking like tommato. I didn't said anything just turned and left the place.

I changed in to my PJs. if only P luke cares for me like rabbit boy, if he teases me like rabbit boy, if he look at me like i am his world.Then i never have looked at any other person. I don't know what's going to happen with my life now.

Next morning

After completing my morning routine and i got ready and come downstairs. When i came downstairs the environment look tens.

Why you know. Because two enemies are sitting in front of each other and glaring at each other. They are ready to kill each other at anytime.

I sighed and went towards them."Good morning P and Good morning p luke" i said. Both of them turn towards me and smile at the same time.

"Good morning little bro"

"Good morning nong" P luke said. I nod to him.

"coffee " i asked looking at both , they shook their head. I went to kitchen to make my smoothy.

"you should go now" i heard my P said to my fiance.

"why i am here to talk with him" P luke said

"He has no time, we are leaving for shoot" P man said with the stern voice. I don't know why p man hate P luke so much.

"Then i will leave him to shooting location in my car, you can go" P luke said to P.

"He will come with me and you are not allowed to come to shooting location" P man said stubbornly. i have to stop them before they try to cut each other throats.

"P luke what's the matter, you usually don't come without calling " i ask him sitting beside my P.

"Your mom told me to meet you and give it to you" He said and give me envelope and i know what it is.

"what is that" p Man asked.

"i will tell you later P" i said looked at P luke " then why are you coming shooting spot" i asked sipping my smoothy. I can't allow him to come there. because rabbit boy will be there. And i know something will definately happen if P luke also come there. I don't want any more conflicts, before sorting out my confusion and my own issues.

"I just wanted to see" he said

" P i feel uncomfortable , if you are there so please don't" i said showing him puppy eyes." and after marriage you can come with me , if you want. now i want to enjoy my bachelors life" I honestly said to him. And no one can ignore me when i talk with so soft tone.

"okay okay take care, then i will go now. By the way Sunday you have to come with me, we are going on dinner date"He said and without waiting for my reply went out of my apartment.

"What the fuck , he didn't even asked your permission. he just ordered you. I am telling you brighty just break this engagement" my P said angrily.

"if i am capable to do that , then why i sit here silently P" i asked looking at the door. Is it worth marry a person , who came to meet me only when my mom told him to do so. Is it worth to marry him by sacrificing my feelings towards win.

I don't know, dad please help me. What should i do.The date of marriage is coming near like a bullet train.

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