chapter 21

517 44 21

Mike pov

"P" i heard bright sound came crackingly. I know he is hurt. he is so much hurt by his mother words. of course everyone would. when their own mother is not caring for his happiness then on whom he should believe and trust.

" hum" i asked looking at him. We are going back to our apartment after bright and his mother argument. the good thing is , this time bright is standing for his happiness. may be that is the power which comes after person fall in love.

" i want to go to rabbit boy" he said slowly looking out of the window of my car. i Know may be he need him right now. I know bright is confused with his feelings about but win is so sure that he told him all his feeling. may be after kowing win feelings for him, bright also realised he also has feelings for him.

"ok let me call him" i said and call mr win while keeping it on loud speaker.

after few rings he recieved my call.

"hello mr. mike" He said in formal tone.

"hello mi win. I wanted to ask you where you are. Here my brother want to meet you" i said looking at my brighty with teasing smile. While he glared at me looking more cuter than you.

"REALLY" came his excited words.

" where should i bring him" i asked.

"my home. We are having family time so we took a holiday. take him here" he said

"okay..on the way bye" i said and cut the call.

Bright is still glaring at me.

"stop glaring at me i am going to burn. i know you are dancing inside your head thinking about win and his family. I know you always become happy whenever you hears his name. Ohh my poor brother is so much in love..huu" i tease.

"P...please. I am already in tension don't make me angry. As mom said i am really dumb and useless" he said with disappointment. and again turned towards the window and start to look outside. I feel so bad for him. Anunty knows how to blackmail him and how to make him feel bad. She know that bright is very sensitive to such a words.He feels insecure about himself. Sometime i think his insecurity is her weapon which she always use on him. But this time i am not going to let her that. This time i am not going to let her change bright's mind. I can fight against her standing beside bright, like always.

"bright listen to me you are not dumb. You earn more than anybody in our home. you are millionaire. You have a talent. You are just to kind and compassionate. people take advantage of you. it's the people who are bad and filthy not you. You are so good my brighty" i said trying to make him understand what his mother wants. What his mother doing with him. I don't know but since childhood i don't like her. The only thing i like about her is she is bright mother. She gave birth to such an angel who is beautiful and kind.

"Thank you p ..i love you.I don't know what will i do without you" he said with his adorable smile looking at me. This smile always make my day.

" i am greatful to have a such brother. And don't think i am with you because i love you. I am with you because you are making me rich with your talent" i said winking at him . i want to tease him more. besides it is sibling things to tease and bicker with each other. He pout at me.

"ohh then why don't you take my money and ran away. And you know everything about money. why you only take your sallary from agency..." he smiled at me like he caught me" you are liar p..but still i love you. you can't escape from my love" he said with the smile and adjust the seat to sleep.

"i am tired from crying, i am going to sleep" he said and closed his eyes. leaning on the seat. Soon i heard his breathing become shallow and little snores are coming out of his mouth. He always does that, whenever he sleeps his mouth opens slightly. I still remember when we are child i use to tease him,because he leaves saliva on pillow hen he is deep slumber.

I look at the area where we are driving. This part is one of the secured part of the city. In this part only people with high status and money leave here. Specially billionairs who have successful business. In this area people can't affroad to buy mansion's if they are not billonairs. I just know that if bright will be with win he is going to be safe and secured.

And i also yesterday realised that bright is having tablets. When i ask him he said he is taking them since the accident happened after his father's death. I am surprised and shocke at the same time. I asked him why he didn't told me about this. he told me these are just vitamins , so he didn't told me. But then i asked him who is giving that to you. He told me his mother and P Luke. and then i realised they gave him those tablets , when i am absent.

He also told me that when first time his mother giving him those tablet, she told him to not to tell anybody. Because people will hate when they see person who always takes tablet. Then again i asked him why he is telling me. He told me that he knows me very well. He knows that i love him so much and i can't hurt him. he told me that he trust me more than anything.

I felt so much happiness. At the some time i promised myself to protect him from whatever his mother doing. when he sleep i went to his room and take the picture of that strip because i want to know what exactly it is. if it is vitamin then ok and if not then i have to protect more than before. I just hope his mother is not that, which i think.

soon my car came in front of Mr Win mansion. the guards look at me and open the door. As i entered the gate. I saw Mr. Win is waiting outside their front door. I just smirked at his egreness to meet his lover. When he saw our car he came toward my car. I stopped the car. and opened the car door.

"hello" he said

"hello sir, how are you" i asked he smiled at me.

"i am good.." and he start to look behind me then his eyes landed on my little brother who is sleeping like a dog.

"is he sleeping" asked me without my reply he went other side of car door and opened it.

I went towards him" let me wake him up" i said standing behind him.

"shhhh...let him sleep" he whsphered while facing me and turned to bright. And he scooped him in his arms slowly without disturbing his sleep. After that i closed the door and followed them.

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