Persuading the girl

Start from the beginning

Fasmel : "Since you don't want it... I guess I'll eat it" Then Fasmel opened her mouth and was about to take a bite of that bread she had.

Fasmel : "Aaaa..." Then before Fasmel takes a bite, the girl quickly grabs the bread from her and eats it.

The girl seems to enjoy the bread she had.

Fasmel : "It tastes good right? How about we make a deal?"

The girl finally raises her head and we can finally see her eyes.

Fasmel : "If you want to talk with us, I'll take you out here and give you something more delicious than this. How?"

The girl's ears flinched. She still insists on talking while still eating the bread. But I feel she is about to trust us just a little longer.

Then Arhi came in beside me.

Arhi : "So what is your name?"

Then the girl paused eating her bread. There is a little bit of delay before she answers.

The girl: "Kiwi " she said with a low tone and her voice sounded like a child girl.

Arhi : "Ari?"

Kiwi : "I'm Kiwi " she said a bit louder this time.

Arhi : "I see... So your name is Kiwi "

While Arhi is talking with her, I hear a step foot coming towards us.

Kim: "Ooh... You guys are already here" He saw us getting closer to the girl.

Kim: "Seems like you guys make a new friend"

After a moment, we explain to Mr. Kim what happened.

Kim: "I see... But I'm not sure if she is fine to be outside. People will weirdly look at her for sure you know"

Fasmel : "I think it's nothing to worry about. Since she will be with us." Fasmel looked into Kiwi 's eyes.

Mr. Kim paused for a moment.

Kim: "Alright. If you insist. But if the girl cried, try your best to calm her down. She is still a growing child after all."

Fasmel : "She is Kiwi ."

Kim: "Aah... Kiwi ." Then he looks into Kiwi 's eyes.

Kim: "I'm sorry after putting you here okay? How about we go to my place?"

Then we agreed with Mr. Kim. Then Mr. Kim unlocked the chain connected to her right hand. And now she can move freely. Then Fasmel lures her hand to Kiwi .

Fasmel : "As my promise." She smiled at her.

She looks scared.

Fasmel : "Don't worry, I promise I'll be with you."

She looks around for a moment, then she grabs Fasmel 's hand and stands up. She is half or more of Fasmel 's body. Then we walk out to the outside of the basement and see the light of the sun is already bright.

As we keep walking to Mr. Kim's place where he opens up his tavern, people around start to notice us walking with a girl that looks different.

As we keep walking, more and more people look toward us. It made the girl feel uncomfortable and she tried to come closer to Fasmel 's body to hide from people's eyesight.

Fasmel : "Don't worry, Kiwi . They are all not bad people." She pats her head to comfort her.

Arhi : "That's right, Kiwi . We are all friends here. But you need to be careful with someone in front of you." She means me.

I roam the world as shield user and try to find a way to end this warWhere stories live. Discover now