Day Before Leaving

Start from the beginning

Grel : "You heard it right before, maybe I'll go there for a minute after my father leave. Or you can just have dinner. Both of you, please serve young queen a dish."

Both maids: "Yes, young prince"

Arhi : "Okay then, I'll wait for you there later."

Dai : *With a low tone of voice. "Wooo, dating..."

Arhi looks at Dai again but now Dai quickly turns her head to the left.

While I keep walking. I keep thinking about the girl's talk before. How am I going to react to that? Well, my first thing is just going straight and moving to the library and meeting that person. A date? Why should I go on a date though, this is in the middle of a threat from the demon. Well, people also do the same even the king and queen themselves. *Sigh, 30 years, now we have 23 years left. Still, a long time to go, even going through for 10 years is already so long.

*Looking at the left windows, see through the garden pass by. I see both my father and queen are together, looking at the forest branch outside the mansion while sitting on the balcony. Hmph, there's no doubt it's a date. My father fast about that woman, and I somehow feel defeated in my heart. *With a disappointed face.

Grel : "Oh, there it is, bulwark library, or it just best friend."

Guard: "*With low voice but still heard well. Good morning, sir." This guardian is patriotic somehow.

Grel : "Morning, do you see Mr. Gemun here."

Guard: "*lowering their voice. Yes, I let him enter after saying the password, sir."

Then he must be still in here, then I proceed to open the double door.

Makael: "Ah good morning young prince, welcome" while standing up.

She's the librarian, they will clean and help with anything about this library to keep it organized and clean.

Grel : "Good morning." then I keep walking to the middle of the library.

There's Mr. Gemun here standing while carrying a book I mentioned before. He looked around in Luna's family book.

Grel : "Did you get what you need here? Mr. Gemun ."

Gemun : "Ah, young prince, yes there's the book, I carried it with me and will borrow this for a day or week. And also looking around with this rack of Luna's book, just looking at it make me realize how long the war is happening and still happening till now."

Grel : *sigh "Yeah, it is."

Gemun : "May I borrow some other book here with me? Probably there's some book that caught me an interest in here."

Grel : "I never expect you to be a bookworm, with your face and your dress, did you also train your sword while reading."

Gemun : "Ahaha, thank you for the compliment young prince, I can't say a word about that, but the reason I like reading a book is that my beloved daughter. She likes reading fantasy books, and whenever I take her to the library, she's so happy. I'd become bored just waiting for her to read in the library you know. So, I just started to read with her, until my daughter gets sick, and the medic says she had rare sickness. Now there's only me, reading the book alone."

Grel : "Sorry about that, you sure really a good father."

Gemun : "Thank you, but I was nothing compared to your young prince." with a smile that even myself almost questioned my sexual.

Grel : "Um, what, I'm not even a father yet..."

Gemun : "Well surely for now."

Grel : "Anyways, did your wife also work as a housemaid?"

I roam the world as shield user and try to find a way to end this warWhere stories live. Discover now