Back to the mansion and from a distance, 1 of the other maids, stops cleaning immediately after seeing the windows and bows the exact posture the other maid did to me before.

"Good afternoon young prince."

I'm smiling at her even though she doesn't look at me and keeps walking to the living room. Her name is Finnq Osemothe. like her name, many of the other families are looking for her even though she is just a maid. Then I keep walking.

Upon reaching the double door of the living room, 1 guard is standing aside from the double door. When he sees me, immediately changes his resting position to a steady position. I open up the double door forward, and I see all 3 grandmasters here, which are the king and queen of each family.

Elric, my father. He's already old, he had a white mustache, but he can lift a heavy shield with him. It's about 120kg, and the size is about the same as my father's body from head to foot. The shield shape looks like a rectangle, but the bottom is pointed in the middle. And yes, he's bulk. And tall.

Cira, the queen of the rose family. She's younger than my father, and even though she's that old, she is still beautiful and can use the legendary bow. It says only a specific and talented person can use that bow. Someone says she can shoot precisely to the heart of the enemy in 1 thousand meters.

Gerald, the king of might. He's handsome. He's not big like my father, but he still has muscle. He's so fast when handling a light sword, and powerful when using a big sword. For some reason, he never uses the heavy sword, maybe he's been used to light sword combined with his speed.

"Pardon my lateness, Father."

He looks at me with his tired eyes. "You need to respect the other times." with a threatening aura.

Herrick: "Ah, Grel Vukag... long time no see hahaha. you seem to get older now."

Grel: "Nice to meet you, King Herrick."

Cira: "You know, don't be shy to come over to my kingdom Sweety."

Grel: "Nice to meet you, Queen Cira."

Elric: "Let's just begin our meeting shall we." I'm sitting beside my father in front of a long rectangular table.

Herrick: "Now, now... You seem quite getting hurry these days. We still have plenty of time isn't it." He means the distance between war.

Elric: "You don't know when the demon comes prepared and invade us 10 years faster Mr. Herrick." My father is right, even if we still have 10 years before the war begins.

Herrick: "*sigh.. Alright alright, it's my fault, I apologize." he moved his hand and held his neck with his right hand.

Herrick: "Alright, first of all, I have more people with incredible power ready to help"

Cira: "My kingdom people have the best agility and support with my command."

Elric: "I have the army to protect people with their shield and ready to be the front-line fighter." I see everyone write down the information with feathers and ink my maid prepared before.

Cira: "I apologize for your loss in the previous war, Mr. Elric."

Herrick: "You have my thanks, Mr. Elric. Without your frontline shield, we can't survive the massive arrow attack for sure." The queen nodding means she's agreed.

Elric: "My army does not do any power like yours, and the last generation of Luna's family." Everyone seems to space out a bit after hearing it.

Elric: "I will use my final power when we are losing advantage."

With sudden wide open from both queen and the other king and also me.

Cira: "Mr. Elric, you've done so much for us, we can't lose another one."

Herrick looks down and can't say anything.

Elric: "But there's no other choice, the older one is me, and only me between the three of us. And also calm down, we still have time to figure the way out." queen can't look again at my father and sit back down.

My father says a such thing. If they use the final power...

Elric: "As I said before, we need someone knowledgeable enough to understand physical power, and I suggest calling one of your best candidates to enter our meeting. Since this is a high-priority meeting and nobody can easily enter or even hear, I've decided and sent you a personal message to call your daughter or son. I believe and hear it and did not want to force your perception, either way, you can call the other, as long as you provide eye and vision to not let them share information inside this meeting."

My father tells me to send a message to each candidate from each family can enter now to our guard outside. I nodded and left the meeting and told the guard near the door before then coming back again.

After a while, somebody opens up the double door and everyone sees a guard open it up for those people, which is the candidate.

I remember one of those candidates, its young queen, Mrs. Arhi Doomscribe. She's just beautiful and the dress she wears is rose red. She walks in very gently with both eyes closed and stop then bow to my father.

"My honor to be here, My King."

Elric: "You may enter." Then she's nodding and continues walking in and opening up her eyes. As she stops right after the queen position and waits for my father's hands to let her sit down.

My father, also she's her and gives her permission to sit down by raising his left hand toward the chair beside her. And she nods as thanks. Then I realized the queen looking at me, probably the whole team. She smiles at me, almost a teasing smile. Then quickly I turn my head to the right and try to pretend not to look at her.

Then the other candidate comes in, and surprisingly it's not Mr. Herrick's son. My father was also surprised after seeing it. After he stopped and bow to my father.

"My honor to be here, My King."

Elric: "Speak your name."

"My name is Gemun Evendraft, I've granted permission to share my thoughts with My King Mr. Herrick." my father confirmed by looking at King Herrick. and his nod to my father.

Elric: "You may enter." Then he's nodding and continues walking in. He's wearing some sort of Chinese traditional dress. The white color is bright, with a blue color on the edges. He's also quite handsome with long hair.

As he approached the chair beside King Herrick, my father raises his hand again and points to the chair beside King Herrick. Then He nodded as thanks then proceed to sit down.

Everyone seems to look confident and respectful, seems like something quite interesting information will be shown after this.

Elric: "Before we start our conversation, may I ask you Mr. Gemun."

Gemun: "Yes, my king."

Elric: "Do you know how high priority this meeting is."

Gemun: "Yes, I suppose everything from here is very secret and to not let any information leak due to not letting our people act on their own, my king." He understands it, the rest is Mr. Herrick to guard him. But my father should believe him since He knows him for a long time.

Elric: "Now, to begin with, we will discuss our future war plan and strategy. Any opinion will be allowed as long as evidence or trusted source is from the dictionary. First will be started with Mrs. Arhi from a rose family. The second will be continued with Mr. Gemun from a mighty family. And the last one is my son, Mr. Grel, from a Bulwark family. If there's nothing to ask, then we will start immediately with Mrs. Arhi, it's your time."

As I finished talking, she's nodding and begin to stand up, in a gentle and graceful.

I roam the world as shield user and try to find a way to end this warDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora