Will he do it?

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"Do you want to try?" Sofia said. Steve answered "Try what?" even though he already knew what Sofia was going to suggest. "To be put in a diaper of course.". Steve was not sure if this was something he would be in to himself, but he couldn't really say no to it, having a girl like Sofia ask it of him.

Nervously Steve answered to Sofia's question "Ehm.. Yeah.. Eh.. I haven't done anything like it before. But I guess it could be fun to try."
"I think you would like it. I definitely do. So which type of diaper would you like to try on?" Sofia answered, and pointed towards the plastic boxes her diapers were in. Still nervous Steve answered "Well, if you have one of the white ones, in my size. I guess I could try that." Sofia said "I think we are about the same size. So that should not be a problem." Sofia went over and grabbed the type of diaper Steve had suggested. She then opened it and laid it down on the changing mat, so it was ready for Steve to lay down in. "Please lie down" Sofia said, to Steve. He did as she said. Now only following the commands of Sofia, not knowing how he should react to any of this.

She pulled up Steve's diaper, and fastened it's tapes. She then told Steve "Try and use it." Steve started peeing in the diaper, the "hiss" sound now coming from his diaper. This was his first experience like this.

And this is how Sofia and Steve ended up in diapers.

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