Back at Sofia's place

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We all went inside. Sofia wearing her backpack. I went to my room and Sofia and Mindi both went to Sofia's room. I grabbed my toothbrush and went to the bathroom, to get ready for tonight. Going back to my room, I saw that the door to Sofia's room was a bit open. I peeked inside, and saw Sofia laying down on an adult sized changing mat. The diaper with all the pink print rolled up in a ball next to her. Mindi were sitting in front of Sofia and were putting on what looked like a plain medical diaper, you would normally find in a pharmacy.

"Well there you have it. Mindi is literally changing Sofia's diaper. A weird thing to have your step-mother to do to you. Especially when you are an adult." I thought to myself. I went back in to my room, and went to bed. Trying not to think about Mindi changing a girl my age's diaper. And I was failing.

How Sofia and Steve ended up in diapers - SFWNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ