What Sofia writes

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Sofia took the mouse and found another folder. This one had several files containing of word-documents. She pressed one called "The Princess & The Dragon". The story was about a princess that went on an adventure, to slay a dragon, even though her father, the king, was against it. The kingdom was in dire need of food, though. And she wanted to show she could do anything she wanted. So she went and slew the dragon. Then cooked some of it and ate some of it. She then took it's heart back home to her father's kingdom. Then she could show she had slewn the dragon. And then the people of the kingdom could eat the dragon, so they wouldn't be hungry any more. In this way she saved the day. And showed everyone she could do anything she wanted to do.

After Steve had read it Sofia said "So, what do you think?" Steve answered "Very creative.". Sofia then said "This one is aimed towards hardcore feminists. As far as I know there aren't that much fantasy aimed towards them. So I hope to tap in to that market. Like this hardcore princess, that does what she wants. She succeeds, and it shows that the kingdom and the princess doesn't need a prince or a noble knight to save the day." Steve asked "Maybe you could call her 'Princess Awesome'?" Sofia answered "That's actually a good ideá. Not bad Mr. Chef-Champion."

Sofia closed the document and pressed another one. This one was called "Sofie stops by". It was about a teen girl who loses her phone, keys and wallet. Because of that she goes over to her neighbour, in the middle of the night. She pees the neighbours couch. To make sure she doesn't pee the couch again, she is put in a diaper.

After Steve had read it Sofia said "I'm not really finished with that one. Not sure where the story should go. But I would really like to finish it. There aren't that much good litterature in the ABDL community. So I hope I can make some good stuff for them. So that market should be pretty open as well.". Steve answered "Oh, I didn't know that. I guess the main character is named after yourself." now even more nervous having Sofia naming ABDL characters after herself, and Steve still not sure what he should think of all this diaper stuff. Sofia answered "How did you guess?" and let out a little laugh.

While Steve was reading that story Sofia had started peeing her already wet diaper. Steve could hear the "hiss" sound again. Sofia had now stopped peeing, her diaper full to the brim. Sofia said to Steve "Want to try and change me? Mindi isn't here. So maybe you would like to give it a go?" Steve answered "Ehm, yeah, ehm, of course. If.. ehm.. If you need help.. And Mindi isn't here, then I can.." "I would love some help." Sofia said to Steve.

She pointed at the changing map and said "Just take that one there, and put it on the floor. Then I will find what diaper I would like you to put me in." Steve did as Sofia said. Sofia came over and laid down on the changing mat. The new diaper Sofia had picked was the one she had been put at the bowling alley. Up close, Steve could now see that it were princesses with tiaras, and not small girls, that were printed on it.

Lying on the changing mat, Sofia said to Steve "Come here" and let his hands towards the tapes of her diaper. She continued "Just pull here". Steve pulled at the tapes, and then pulled off her totally soaked diaper. Steve took the diaper Sofia had chosen. He could feel it was thicker than he had expected and opened it. He had Sofia first lay on her side, so the diaper could be under Sofia. Sofia was now lying down directly on the diaper. Steve's hands were now shaking, trying to fasten the tapes of her diaper. Sofia took Steve's hand, looked him in the eyes and said "Don't be nervous.". Steve managed to get Sofia put in her new diaper.

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