On the way back home

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The three of us went out of the bowling alley to the car, and went in. Mindi in the driver's seat, Sofia beside her and me in the back. Mindi started driving, then said

"Well that sure was fun." and continued "We should do these type of things more often, right Sofia?" Sofia answered "You spoil me too much. Both bowling and café in one day." "If it's the evil step-mom you want from me. Then we can play that game as well. I'm just not sure how good I would be at it." Mindi said, and laughed a bit. Mindi and Sofia kept on having a bit of banter back and forth. I started looking outside the window, and then once again heard the "hiss" sound coming from Sofia.

Mindi said to Sofia "Honey. Already again, you just had..." Sofia stopped Mindi and loudly whispered, so I could still hear her "Mindi! Steve's right there, what if he hears you. And yes, already again, I'm sorry. Those two diet coke's must have done a trick on my bladder." Mindi now also whispering loudly, so I could still hear her, said to Sofia "Don't be sorry. You will just have to get a new one on, before you go to bed then."

Sofia turned around, and said "Hey Mr. Champion give me your number. Then I can text you, when we are going to have a rematch. We can't have Ms. Awesome here continue being defeated." She handed me her phone, and then said. "Also just send your phone a text. Then you have my number as well." And as said, I did, and handed back Sofia her phone afterwards.

"We are here." Mindi said, and continued "Looks like Stan has already gone to bed. Please be quiet, when going in then."

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