At the mall

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Sofia and Mindi arrived at the mall, and quickly went in. "You must be hungry Sofia. I noticed you didn't have any breakfast since you were in such a hurry to get here. Let's go to a café, my treat." Of course Sofia couldn't say no to such an offer. So in Sofia and Mindi went. They both ordered a large café latte and croissants with jam.

Mindi took a sip of her drink, and looked Sofia straight in the eyes, and said "Sofia we've known each other for some time now. And I can see some things, you may not realize I can see. Call it motherly privilege or female instinct." Sofia was a bit scared, but at the same time intrigued. What could it be that Mindi was aware of?

Mindi continued "Be honest with me. The diaper thing. The wetting the bed thing. The having me change your diaper thing, when you are full and legally an adult. This has nothing to do with incontinence does it?" Mindi already knew the truth, but wanted it from Sofia. Sofia looked down and said a quiet: "No..." "So, what is it? Remember, you can be honest with me. No matter what. I will not get angry or anything." Mindi said. Sofia replied "It's just that... I like wearing diapers... And I like peeing in them... And I like getting them

changed by others..." Sofia now had tears in her eyes.

It was humiliating for her, to sit and admit all of this to someone, and her step-mother at that. At the same time it was a relief for her, to finally have someone else know about her secret. Mindi stood up, went over to Sofia and gave her a hug, and said: "My dear girl. Thank you for being honest with me." Mindi sat back again, she wanted to know more about this diaper thing that Sofia was into.

"So, Sofia, in an ideal world, where you could choose, no limitations. When and where you could and would wear a diaper. How would that look in your head?" Mindi said with a small smile and a small mischievous look in her eyes. "Well..." Sofia started "Well, everywhere. All of the time. I would love to be in a diaper all the time, and only use that, or at least choose if I had to go do my business in the toilet, or if I could just go in the diaper. I would have other people change me, when I wanted, or change myself if I wanted that instead." Sofia said. "I see." Mindi answered. "Is that all? No pacifier, baby food, getting spoon-fed, having to crawl on all fours, and cry instead of talk?" Mindi said. "I'm not really in to those type of things. Not the baby stuff, at least. There are some of the clothes I think are cute, but pretending to literally be a baby is not for me." Sofia said.

"Well that is a relief. I think that would have been a bit too much for me." Mindi said, and let out a little laugh, and smiled to Sofia. "Well, there are a few more things. One of them being a bit exposed, like having people notice I wear diapers, but not overtly, in your face like. Just enough to tease. Please don't tell dad about all of this." Sofia said. "You know I can't lie to Stan. I'm sure I can convince him there is nothing wrong in what you want, though. So I'm sure things will work out." Mindi answered. "Thank you so much Mindi. This is more than I could ask for. Thank you for being so understanding, and being OK with it." Sofia said.

"I have an idea Sofia. If you really want to tease people and be a bit exposed. What you could call my step-nephew. My sisters step-son Steve is going to visit us today, and he has to stay the night. I'm sure you could tease him a bit. He is your age, so things could get interesting." "So, what's he like?" Sofia asked. "That's a surprise." Mindi answered with a smile and a wink.

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