Something moved from the bushes, but the brunette didn't bother to even turn around to look. Astrid jumped up, knocking her to the ground, Coriane laughed as the feline licked her face in greeting.

"Hello to you too," she patted the liger's stomach to get her up and let her stand. Once she had room to stand up, she did so, rubbing her back, feeling the pinch of pain in it from the contact with the ground, "You know, you should change your sweet greeting or you're going to end up breaking my spine young lady."

Together with her feline they walked towards the village of Tondc.


The guards guarding the entrance to the Skaikru's cell bowed to Terra as she approached. Inside, gasping in pain, was the boy she had brought in the night before, next to him, Igor, the Commander's enforcer, and Uma, one of the female guards, stood talking to each other, apparently having moved on with the interrogation themselves before her arrival.

"Any progress?" She asked once they, along with Jensen and Krista, had entered the cell.

The two Trikru, after bowing, shook their heads and looked at the boy with annoyance. Coriane gave the boy a look and sighed with a chuckle, shaking her head as well.

"You guys...there are many more ways to make someone talk than just fists," Krista and Jensen smiled sideways, knowing smiles that left no room for doubt that, whatever Terra had in mind, legends and stories would fall short of reality. "Tell Odeya I need my wendigos, ASAP," she looked at her companions and they nodded and left the cell immediately.

Coriane approached the Skaikru who could barely keep his eyes open and looked at her in panic, Coriane simply smiled and stretched out her hand, the boy tried to move away but she still brought her hand to his face and removed the brown hair that had stuck to his face from the sweat before speaking to him in a calm tone.

"You and I are going to have a lot of fun, you'll be my new friend."

The Skaikru seemed surprised to see that she spoke his language, but either because he didn't want to or couldn't, he didn't say anything.
Coriane stood up again and looked at the other two grounders, her face changing again, looking serious.

"No one touches him until I get back, understood?" The sternness in her tone left no room for doubt.

Perhaps afraid to speak, or simply believing that speaking to her would be disrespectful, they both simply nodded and bowed their heads.

With that, she left the cell. Without her little truth extractors, she had nothing else to stay there for, she would enjoy a good interrogation when Jensen and Krisna returned with her wendigos.



She approached the man leaning against a wall with a smile on her face. When he saw her, he smiled too and moved away from the wall and towards her. Coriane hugged him, surprised by the presence of the Ignis in Polis.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as she broke away, looking at him with pleased surprise.
"I came to see you. I heard you've been under a lot of pressure these days and I was worried," he had removed his smile and a small frown of concern was now looking at the chestnut.
"You didn't have to, really, I'm fine, it's my job after all," she sighed trying to give him a reassuring smile, but the man didn't buy it.

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