"We leave in an hour. You stink, take a shower," she wrinkled her nose.

Aren rolled his eyes and laughed sarcastically, making as the two went their separate ways in the direction of their respective cabins, so they could prepare for the journey ahead.


When she arrived in Polis, all eyes in the citadel were on her. Some excited citizens waved their hands and gave her warm smiles of welcome, others merely nodded in her direction, deeming the act more respectful and appropriate, and there were those who dared not even look her in the eye, intimidated by the presence of the woman and the huge animal that now walked with the momentum of a predator. Which of the two was more dangerous, no one was entirely sure.

Coriane made her way to the Commander's room in the company of Astrid, the huge feline hybrid; Aren and Indra. The guards in the room bowed as she approached and opened the doors, revealing Lexa with her Flamekeepers and a few other guards. Among them, a blonde head stood out, eyes gazing mercilessly at her and a grimace that deepened the second he saw her enter. She didn't even bother to look at him, not intending to sour her day so early in the morning with Isaac's rather sour face.

They had arrived before the Ambassadors of the other clans, giving Coriane time to talk with the Commander without all the devouring eyes on them.

She stopped walking as soon as she was in front of Lexa's throne and only nodded slightly to the woman. Even though Lexa was the main Commander, Coriane was an Elementa, and if there was one thing Elementas didn't, and never would do, it was kneel before anyone but the warrior spirits.

"Heda," she raised her head, watching Lexa rise from the throne and descend the steps to stand in front of her.

The two embraced. Rarely were they both able to give small displays of affection, for their lives were always in front of many more eyes, eyes that were always waiting for any sign of weakness, and, in their world, something as simple as affection was seen as weakness. Alone, however, they had the opportunity to treat each other as the friends, sisters, they had been for as long as they could both remember.

"What is the reason for this meeting?" Coriane asked intrigued.

Lexa broke away from her and sighed, in her eyes Coriane could see an overwhelming tiredness, enough of a sign for her that something was wrong.

"Arana and Milo are dead."

Coriane's face scrunched up, had she heard correctly? Those two were part of Trishanakru, loyal followers of Ignis, and now could not be a worse time for their deaths. The Coalition was increasingly at odds, and now worse news were looming for one of the clans.

"Was it the Mountain Men?"

Lexa nodded, inwardly lamenting. The Mountain Men have terrorised the Clans for decades, taking their own and destroying their villages, taking lives, hopes, families and friends.

"The Coalition will not be happy about this."

Lexa sighed, closing her eyes for a brief moment. Opening them again, she turned back to her throne and nodded to her friend once more.

"I know. The other Elementa won't be either," Lexa looked into her friend's eyes. Coriane didn't need any more details to know exactly what the Commander wanted to ask of her.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think I can help, Eddard hates me and is increasingly against me. If two flamma sectatores died, the spirits can't be too happy either," she sighed and lifted her shoulders helplessly.
"I know, but Ignis appreciates you, we must convince both the Elementa and the Coalition. I need your help, my friend," Lexa's voice partially hid the pleas, but her eyes did not do the same.

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