Chapter 1

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Voldemort silently stared at the two toddlers that were lying in their crips. There were both a girl and a boy, the boy was crying and screaming at the top of his lungs while the girl lay there glaring at him. These two were the potter twins, one of them was destined to destroy him and he could not allow that to happen. He decided to kill the girl first before going after the boy, after all, she was already trying to stand her ground while her brother was just screaming.

Voldemort pointed his wand at the baby girl and cast the killing curse. He watched as it flew at her and right when it was about to hit her there was a burst of powerful magic and the killing curse got sent back to him. He was so shocked he wasn't able to dodge out of the way which meant the curse hit his body, rendering it to dust while his spirit flew out of the cottage. He was unaware that a piece of his soul had broken off and tried to latch onto the girl but was obliterated by the leftover magic in the air.

The female Potter gave a small yawn before closing her eyes and going to sleep, unaware that something miraculous had just happened that would help her out years in the future.

Within minutes Dumbledore rushed into the house, he first stopped to check on James and was shocked to find him still alive. Voldemort had apparently only stunned him before going upstairs. Dumbledore revived him rushed upstairs with James hot on his heels as soon as he gained his barrings.

"LILY!" James screamed as he barged into the nursery and knelt next to Lily, looking relieved when he found that she was alive too. He wondered why they had both been stunned but he didn't care about that at this moment.

While James was checking and reviving Lily, Dumbledore was over at the cribs trying to figure out which child had vanquished Voldemort. First, he checked them both for a mark, the girl had a small lightning bolt-shaped cut on her forehead while the boy had a larger V-shaped cut on his cheek. Dumbledore then checked their magical cores and decided that it was the boy who had defeated Voldemort.

The boy had a V on his cheek which clearly represented Voldemort, he also had more magic than his sister. He gently lifted up the boy and turned to the child's parents with a wide smile. "May I introduce, Damian Godric Potter, the Boy who lived!"

James and Lily shared wide smiles and took Damian in their arms and started praising him for something he hadn't even done. Everyone had forgotten the second Potter twin that was there that night.

It would be years before anyone would find out the truth of what truly happened this night but until then there was a young girl who would be neglected and ignored.

The true child who lived, Ember Viola Potter.

Ember woke up in a cold sweat, eyes darting around her room before she relaxed when confirming that it had just been a dream. Well, maybe not a dream, more like a memory. She had once again dreamed of the day that Monster had come into her life and ruined everything.

She slowly sat up while rubbing the scar on her forehead with a frown. After that Halloween night things slowly changed, her parents no longer had any time for her, instead, they had a house-elf take care of her. Ember had to teach herself how to do most things she knew. She taught herself how to read and write from the books in the Potter Family library.

Ember had the house-elf help her learn math, basic math like 1+1=2. Ember learned the more difficult maths on her own. Since she had nothing else to do she had focused on trying to memorize and read every single book in the house and she believed she had made good progress.

Ember got up, knowing that she would never be able to get back to sleep after that dream so she walked to her bathroom to grab some water. After she had got her water she walked back into her room and took a look around with a frown.

Her walls were a simple gray with no decorations to distract from the boring color. Her floors were a simple dark hardwood that could get very cold in the winter times. She didn't have a carpet to put down during those times so she figured she just had to deal with it until she could do something about it.

She had a small twin-sized bed in the corner with a bedside table next to it that she set her glass of water on. She had a small desk with a candle she used for reading and a big bookshelf that took up the rest of the room to hold all the books she read.

Her bed held only one pillow, sheets, and a simple plain white thin blanket. When it got colder she asked the House-elves to see if they could bring her a thicker blanket but since it was pretty warm that night she hadn't bothered.

Ember had decided last week that she would start trying to learn how to control her accidental magic, maybe see if she turn it into purposeful wandless magic. She never understood why magicals needed a wand to do magic when they could do magic without it. Sure it would probably be harder to get right but in her eyes that just meant it was probably better than wanded magic. Most people couldn't do magic without their wands so if you got disarmed during a fight that was it, you were out.

If she learned wandless magic then she would be able to surprise her opponents while also being able to protect herself easier. Ember took a look at the small magical clock that was on her bedside table and blinked at the time. It was 3:52 am, she hadn't been up this early in a while. Might as well use the time well, she thought as she grabbed a book on wandless casting from her bookshelf. She decided to not use an encantation for any wandless magic, it would make it easier later on if she didn't need to learn how to do silent casting when older.

Ember spent several hours working on wandless magic, she was trying to make a small light above her hand and was getting a bit frustrated at the lack of progress when she managed to produce a small flame that gently floated above her hand. She stared at it in surprise before she beamed.

Ember accidentally snuffed out the light but she didn't mind that at the moment, she had managed to do wandless magic, On purpose! She jumped around her room ecstatic. Ember knew that there were adults out there that couldn't do what she just did, most magical adults couldn't do wandless magic to be perfectly honest.

What little Ember didn't know was that the reason most adults couldn't do wandless magic was that their magic got so accustomed to wands that their magic hardly worked without one and when it did it exhausted them, sometimes to the point of magical exhausted coma's. Luckily that didn't happen often.

Since Ember was trying to learn wandless casting early in life before she had even touched a wand, the magic would adjust to not needing a tool to access it and would become more powerful as a result. Especially if she were to practice a little every day, this would exercise her magical core and help strengthen it.

Ember took a look at the time and gasped, it was going on 11 am, she had been at this for around 7 hours. No wonder she was so hungry, she missed breakfast! Ember called a house-elf and asked if she could have some pancakes and Strawberry juice. She happily dug into her food when it popped up in front of her.

After Ember was done she decided to go sneak off to the woods to explore, she hoped she wouldn't be seen by her precious little brother. After all, he would just tell their parents that she did something wrong and she would then get in trouble. Most of the time this happened it was for things she hadn't even done. Damian was the one who did most of those things, did he ever get in trouble even when caught though? Of course not, their precious baby boy had saved the wizarding world, he doesn't deserve to be punished for a little mischief or an accident.

As Ember was sneaking out of the house she caught sight of a happy birthday banner and froze. That's right it was her and Damian's birthday today. Not that anyone remembered that it was her birthday too, not anymore. She was now 8 years old and didn't know how she felt about that. On one hand, she was happy since it was one year closer to getting out of this house. On the other hand, she was upset since it was once again another year she had been forgotten and pushed to the side, sometimes even abused for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Ember narrowed her eyes at the tray of cupcakes and sneakily walked over and grabbed one before running to the woods, if they wouldn't celebrate her birthday too then she would just celebrate all by herself!

Sometimes Ember wondered what was keeping her in this household but then she would remember her goal of reading and memorizing every inch of the library. She was almost done with that goal she realized, soon she would leave and never look back. It would probably take another year but she would be free.

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