Marianna and Adrianna have part-time help who come during the day to assist with the children, while Antonio gets live-in nannies for Gina and Isabella. Clara, Aranza, Luisa and Emma, also help come to help where they can.

Meanwhile, Hector cannot shake the feeling that his sister knows something, that probably triggered her early labour. Something that concerns both of them. But what is she hiding? He vows to ask her.

On Thursday,

John calls Gina in the morning. Hector has been informing him of Gina's delivery and progress. As always, she is happy to hear from him. He says he wanted to wait until she had given birth and rested a bit to check on her. He asks her how she and the baby are doing. She says they are fine, but she misses visiting him. John says he misses her too. He thanks her. She asks him why. He says that she has brought joy and sunshine to his dark and boring life and that he met Hector and Anna Patricia because of her.

Gina smiles and says that he can consider her like, a daughter and that she will always do her best to help him. Antonio who was in the room, getting ready for work, crunches his fingers. He just cannot help it. He has always been, uncomfortable with Gina visiting John, despite her insisting that John is interested in Anna Patricia. He's just afraid that she might fall in love with him.

Elsewhere, Adrianna gazes at her, daughter full of love and tells her she loves her. Hector comes into the room and his phone rings. It is Marianna. He looks at it reluctantly but picks it up. Marianna says that he needs to come and visit Diana because she is also his daughter. He says he will and adds that they need to work out a timetable for him to visit her. He then adds that Diana will always be welcome in his house.

At Isabella's house,

She looks at the child and says that she hates him because he is Gina's son, but he is her only way to get Antonio. She uses her finger to trace a circle on the baby's chest and (to herself), addresses the baby saying that he will help her separate his parents.

Back at Adrianna's house, Adrianna places the baby back on the bed and then goes to Hector. She tells him that she knows that Marianna can be quite difficult, and this isn't the ideal situation for either of them but there are two innocent children at stake here and that they should be the mature ones, if Marianna won't, for the children's sake.

Hector says she is right and kisses her forehead. Adrianna adds that he should visit his daughter and that he can count on her never mistreating Diana. He smiles and says that's why he loves her because she is so nice. The baby starts crying and Adrianna goes to her.

Later, at the university, Aurelio is walking with Aranza when they ran into Mauricio. He gives them a scathing glance but they both walk past him.

Back at Antonio's

Gina is in the kitchen, drinking a glass of water. She cannot seem to forget John's tattoo. Becky. The short version of her mother's name. Is it a coincidence? Is she reading too much into one tattoo? She says that her brother suspects something and will soon, start asking questions. As if she called him with her mind, her brother calls. She picks it up. He asks her how she and the baby are and she says they are fine.

He says he'd like to talk to her in private. She asks him what it's about and he says it's twins' stuff. Gina scoffs like she doesn't believe him but agrees. Hector says that they need to set a day. Gina asks him if Monday is okay with him. She adds that Antonio will pass by to check on Isabella and her baby. Hector says it's okay and that he can rearrange his schedule.

Later in the day, Claudia goes into her husband's study to talk to him about the will. She wants to know if he has changed it and included Armando and Aurelio. Claudia goes straight to the point and asks him if he has changed his will and included them. Juan Patricio says that he has done what is necessary and that Armando and Aurelio are part of his family too.

Claudia gives him an earful about giving his bastard family their money. Juan Patricio tells her to stop being so dramatic and adds that there is enough money for all of them. Claudia says that he is going to drag their family name through the mud and involve them in a scandal and all because of people who don't even care about him. Juan Patricio tells her to stop being dramatic. He says that doing nothing will make him look worse.

Later that night at Aurelio's house. It is just after Aranza, and Aurelio clear the table. Aranza is pacing around the room when Aurelio comes in and notices her. He asks her if she's fine. She says she is and says she was just thinking about Marianna and Isabella. She says that she feels that they haven't given up and are still up to something to separate Hector and Adrianna and Gina and Antonio. She says that someone desperate enough to attempt using a child as a pawn to keep someone, especially in such a crude manner, is likely to do much more. Aurelio gets near her and hugs her.

He says that she shouldn't worry too much about such things. He adds that Hector loves Adrianna and Antonio loves Gina and that they will get through whatever schemes Marianna and Isabella are plotting. He then says that they shouldn't discuss depressing topics like Marianna and Isabella or let them ruin their evening. He then runs a finger through her hair and proceeds to kiss her and she kisses him back. He then pulls away and guides her to his bed, where he continues to kiss her as they undress each other.

On Saturday.

Hector goes to visit Marianna and the baby. He holds her and looks into her eyes. He holds one of her tiny hands and says ( to himself) that despite the circumstances not being the best, he will always love her and he will do his best to provide for her and her sister. Marianna who was in the kitchen comes back to the baby's room. She remarks that he is a natural with children. Hector ignores her and places the child back in her crib. He turns back to face Marianna. He holds her hand and guides her out of the room. Marianna puts her arms around him and asks him if he has missed her because she has missed him.

She tries to kiss him, but he quickly moves out of her embrace. Marianna, asks him again if he is sure, he hasn't missed her and isn't bored of his boring girlfriend. She unties her hair and unwraps her robe to reveal short shorts and a crop top. Hector moves near her and tells her to dress up. He says that he is only there for his daughter and nothing else. He adds that she should stop her silly games and that they should reach an agreement for Diana's sake. Marianna says to herself that she always gets what she wants, and he will be no different.

Meanwhile, Horacio calls Isabella. He says that they should strike their biggest blow soon. He says if they wait too long, things will only become harder. She assures him that very soon they will put the last phase of their plan into action.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now