Gina says she is sure he would be willing to let his daughters meet him and treat him like their grandfather.

John smiles and surprises her by putting her smaller soft hands into his larger rough ones. He tells her that everything, will be fine, and he can tell that she and Antonio really love each other and that Hector and Adrianna really love each other as well. He adds that there will be trouble ahead, but they will weather the storm. Gina shrugs and says she isn't sure. She reminds him of all the bad people that surround her and Hector and that don't want them to be happy. He looks at her and says that both she and Hector are strong people who will rise above everything and that they have each other.

Gina wipes away some tears and says she has to remove her jacket because she feels a bit humid. John stares at her arm. She asks him what it is that has got him so interested. He says he is looking at the drawing on her arm. Gina looks at her arm. She says she got a tattoo of a butterfly because that was what her father called her when she was young. On remembering, him she starts crying. She then tells John not to mind her because being pregnant is making her emotional. John wakes up and hugs her. She then calms down. John then tells her he has a drawing on his arm too. Gina is curious and says she wants to see it. Gina tells herself that it could be a clue, as to his identity.

He rolls up his sleeves and shows her. Gina is shocked when she sees his tattoo and just stares at him. John is concerned about her reaction and asks her if she feels okay. She takes a deep breath and says, that she is fine. John looks at her doubtfully. She says she was just shocked, at the name on the tattoo. She asks him if there was somebody he loved named Becky or Rebecca, like maybe his wife, mother, or daughter. John says he isn't sure. He says he doesn't remember who she is. He says he probably got it when he was young, maybe around her age. Gina then has a flashback of herself sitting on her father's lap when she was five years old. He was dressed in shorts and a vest, and she remembers, pointing at his tattoo.

She said that she too wanted someone to draw on her arm. He told her that when she became older she could have a tattoo, but that she had to avoid having too many. Gina admits the reason she was shocked was that her father had a similar tattoo written Becky, which was short for Rebecca, which was her mother's name. John asks her how her father died. She tells him. He asks her how long ago that was. She tells him that it was nearly nineteen years ago. John asks him what happened to her mother. Gina says that she died after giving birth to her brother and then her. Gina wipes away tears and says that if her mother had lived things would have been different. John hugs her. Gina then asks him if she can take pictures of his tattoo.

He looks at her suspiciously and she smiles. He lets her do it anyway. John asks her if she is planning to get another tattoo soon. Gina says that she isn't sure. He tells her that right now she is pregnant, and after she gives birth her focus should be on her newborn. Gina assures him, she will not do anything risky. John says that there is one more thing. He says that she should never mistreat Isabella's child because the child didn't choose his mother or the circumstances under which he was born. He adds that it would be evil to transfer whatever issues she has with Isabella and focus it on an innocent child. Gina assures him she will never mistreat Isabella's child. She says she has to go. He hugs her before she leaves.


Aurelio watches Aranza, pour some juice into glasses, and bring them to the table. The first time he saw her, he thought she was beautiful but just another rich pampered airhead. She looks at him and asks him if he was thinking about how beautiful she is. Aurelio pretends to think and says that he was thinking about how stubborn she is, and how much like his grandmother she is.

She pouts and throws a pillow at him. Aurelio asks her if she thinks Alejandro, Marianna, Isabella, and Horacio are up to something because they have been too quiet. Aranza says she does. She adds that she fears that they, haven't given up yet and are planning worse things. She adds that they are crazy people.

Meanwhile, Adrianna looks at the room which was Aurelio's, surprised. Hector says that this is what he and Aranza came up with over the past few months. He says that they wanted to try something different from the overdone princess pink. He asks her if she likes it. The room has lilac, yellow, light green, and light blue walls. Lilac and light blue face each other while yellow and light green face each other. Butterflies were a common theme on the bedding and pillows.

She kisses him and says it is perfect. Adrianna says she isn't a fan of pink either. Hector says that's good. He says that he doesn't want their daughter to be a soft sissy or a damsel princess. He adds (to himself) that he wants her to be tough, like his sisters. Adrianna says that he and Aranza make a good team, and are a lot alike. Hector says (to himself) that's because Aranza is his sister and they both take after their father.


Gina looks out over the balcony, as she does often. She is too shocked to even think about her and her brother's lies, or even worry about her or her son's future. She has a flashback of John's tattoo, Becky. Her mother's name. She asks herself if it means anything. Antonio walks towards her. Gina turns to face him. Antonio knows there is something she isn't telling him but he knows that now isn't the time to push it. Gina is too close to giving birth and he doesn't want to risk, her or their son's health. Antonio asks her if she is okay. She says she's okay. She says she's just tired. He asks her how her visit with John went.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now