Chapter Thirty Four

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Author's notes:

As we reach the end of this gripping journey, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for joining me on this adventure. It's been an honour to share the story of Ella and Sebastian with all of you. Now, let us embark on the final chapter together before the epilogue, and may it provide the closure and resolution we have eagerly awaited. 

Enjoy the last moments... x


Sebastian's recovery in the Hogwarts Hospital Wing had been a challenging journey, but now the day had finally arrived for his discharge. I stood by his bedside, watching him sleep peacefully, a mixture of relief and excitement coursing through me. These past days had been difficult, filled with worry and uncertainty, but knowing that Sebastian would soon be returning to his normal life filled me with hope and joy, especially as we were preparing to leave Hogwarts for the summer.

At that moment, Madam Snow entered the room, a warm smile adorning her face. "Sebastian, I have wonderful news," she announced. "Your wounds have healed significantly, and you are ready to be released."

Sebastian's eyes snapped open, his eagerness evident as he sat up in bed. "Thank you, Madam Snow," he expressed gratefully. "I can't express how thrilled I am to be leaving this place."

Sebastian swung his legs over the side of the bed, his movements still somewhat cautious from his recent injuries. His eyes sparkled with renewed energy, and a hint of a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. I could sense his eagerness to leave the confines of the hospital wing and embrace the freedom that awaited him.

Today was the day I had been meticulously planning for, the day I would surprise him with something extraordinary. With Ominis's assistance, I had carefully crafted a surprise that I knew would bring a smile to his face and fill his heart with happiness

Madam Snow stood by, her presence gentle and reassuring. "Remember to take it easy, Mr. Sallow," she advised, her tone warm. "Your body has healed, but it's important to listen to it and not overexert yourself."

Sebastian nodded, gratitude evident in his expression. "Thank you, Madam Snow," he said sincerely. "I appreciate all that you've done for me."

Together, we made our way out of the hospital wing, the familiar halls of Hogwarts stretching out before us. The sunlight streamed through the tall windows, casting a warm glow on everything it touched. As we walked through the corridors, whispers followed us. News of Sebastian's recovery had spread, and many students glanced our way with smiles of relief and happiness.

I looped my arm through Sebastian's, drawing him closer to me. His presence beside me was a comforting anchor, grounding me amidst the whirlwind of emotions that swirled around us. Leaning in, I whispered in his ear, my voice filled with anticipation and secrecy.

"I have a little surprise for you," I murmured, a mischievous twinkle in my eyes. The words hung in the air, creating an air of intrigue and excitement between us.

Sebastian's eyes lit up with curiosity. "What kind of surprise?" he asked.

With a playful smile, I planted a swift kiss on his cheek, leaving a lingering warmth behind. "A good one, I promise. Come on..." I urged, my voice filled with a mixture of eagerness and tenderness.

We were on our way to the Undercroft, and a sense of peace settled over Sebastian. It was a refreshing change from the chaos and danger that had consumed our life for so long. We walked in comfortable silence, and I felt his love for me swell in his heart.

Guiding him gently, we descended the stairs, our footsteps echoing softly against the stone. Each step was imbued with a sense of anticipation, the air thick with possibility. And as we approached our destination, a voice familiar to both of us called out Sebastian's name, drawing us closer to the awaited revelation.

Sebastian Sallow: Duel of HeartsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu