Chapter Fourteen

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A few weeks had passed, and I found myself struggling to keep up with my classes and Quidditch practices. Imelda was a fierce captain and coach, pushing us to be the best we could be. But even with all the hard work, I couldn't help but notice how much closer me and Sebastian are. He was always there for me, offering random embraces and comfort and affectionate touches.

To make matters worse, I've been having the same recurring dreams of a figure wearing a black mask adorned with ancient magic runes. The dreams leave me with an ominous feeling, as if something terrible is looming on the horizon.

In addition to my Quidditch and academic pursuits, I had also been helping Sebastian search for books that could offer insight into Anne's curse. Despite my romantic interest in Sebastian, I found myself resisting with Hunter's persistent advances, which made things complicated especially during Quidditch practices.

After the intense training session, we were all panting, sweating, and a little grimy. Despite the successful practice, an unsettling feeling lingered inside me, like an impending doom was waiting just around the corner. It was a strange sensation that I couldn't seem to shake off, no matter how hard I tried. Imelda, our captain, marched over to us with her broomstick resting on her shoulder. She appeared fierce and determined as she gathered us in a circle, her eyes scanning each team member.

"Remember," she bellowed in a loud, authoritative voice that reverberated throughout the empty stadium. "Our first match against Ravenclaw is tomorrow. We need to give it our all and show them what we're made of. So, make sure you get a good night's sleep, study the game plans, and get ready to win!" The team erupted in a cheer, feeling energized by Imelda's rallying words.

As I prepared to pack my equipment, Hunter, was next to me packing his equipment. I noticed Hunter looking at me with a mischievous glint in his striking blue eyes. "So, Ella, how do you think you did in today's practice?" his lips curling into a smirk.

I groaned, realizing he was attempting to provoke me. "I'm not sure, Hunter. Why don't you tell me since you were so focused on watching me?" trying to keep the mood light.

Hunter chuckled, his eyes twinkling. "Can you blame me? You're quite the impressive flyer,"  giving me a playful nudge with his elbow.

"Thanks, but I'm not the only one," gesturing to the rest of the team who were still chatting amongst themselves.

Hunter shrugged, his grin still in place. "True, but there's something about you that's just... mesmerizing," he said with a teasing tone.

I rolled my eyes again, trying to ignore the flutter in my stomach at his words. "You really know how to lay it on thick, don't you?" I quipped, zipping up my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

Hunter smirked. "What can I say? I appreciate talent when I see it," he replied, his eyes glinting mischievously.

"Why not admire the talent of the other girls on the team?" I quipped, smirking back.

Hunter's gaze locked onto mine, and he spoke softly. "You're not like the other girls, Ella. You're smart, talented, and you've got a fire in you that I find intriguing," he said, lightly brushing his hand against mine.

I pulled my hand back. "Let's just focus on Quidditch, Hunter," attempting to maintain professionalism.

Hunter chuckled, stepping back. "Sure thing. Just thought I'd give you something to think about," he whispered, his lips almost grazing my skin. With that, he turned and left the Quidditch stadium.

The more time we spent together training and having the same classes, Hunter's mannerisms felt familiar like I have seen it somewhere before, and his piercing blue eyes had a magnetic pull on me. However, I knew better than to get too close to someone like him, especially since my feelings for Sebastian remained unchanged.

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