Chapter Twenty Five

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Sebastian's POV

I stand in the Quidditch stands, the vibrant energy of the crowd envelops me, their cheers and roars filling the air. I can't help but feel a sense of excitement coursing through my veins, knowing that soon Ella will grace the field as the Slytherin seeker. The pride and admiration I have for her intensify with each passing day, as our relationship flourishes and deepens.

I watch as the players prepare for the match, their robes billowing in the wind, the sun casting a warm glow on the pitch. But my eyes are fixed on Ella, my heart swelling with a mix of nerves and overwhelming affection. Her determination and passion for the sport radiate from her, making her a force to be reckoned with. She possesses an innate skill and grace on the broom that never fails to captivate me.

As the teams take their positions, I find myself holding my breath, eagerly awaiting the moment Ella takes flight. The sound of the whistle pierces the air, signalling the start of the match, and my gaze remains fixed on her, tracing her every movement across the field. She soars through the air, her eyes sharp and vigilant, scanning the field for any sign of the elusive snitch. Her hair dances around her face in the wind, and I can't help but be captivated by her grace and skill. She exudes a sense of confidence and control that leaves me in awe.

The game intensifies, and the tension in the stands grows. Gryffindor proves to be a formidable opponent, their chasers putting up a fierce fight against our team. Yet, Ella remains unfazed, deftly evading their attempts to hinder her progress. I can't help but admire her resilience and unwavering focus. But amidst the excitement, my eyes catch sight of Hunter, who has taken the field as well. He swats away the bludgers with precision, his gaze occasionally flickering towards Ella. Jealousy ignites within me, and my grip tightens on the railing. I despise him and his presence near Ella only fuels my anger.

Suddenly, a commotion erupts on the field, and I strain to see what's happening. Gryffindor's seeker has spotted the snitch and is speeding towards it, but Ella is right on his tail. My heart pounds in my chest as I watch their thrilling chase unfold. Ella manoeuvres with grace and determination, refusing to let Gryffindor claim victory as the match plays on.

My attention is torn as a bludger relentlessly pursues Ella, hounding her with relentless aggression. My heart clenches with worry, but she refuses to be deterred. Her eyes shine with a fierce resolve, and she kicks off from her broomstick, executing a daring move. My breath catches as she reaches out, snatching the snitch from the air just as it slips past her. The stands erupt with jubilation, green and silver colours swirling in celebration. Slytherin has won the Quidditch Cup, and my pride in Ella swells to new heights.

Beside me, Ominis beams with pride, and I can't help but share in his joy. "She did it, Ominis! We won!" I exclaim, my voice filled with admiration. The sound of Professor Kogawa's whistle marks the end of the match, and the commentator's voice echoes throughout the stadium, declaring Slytherin's victory.

Ella glides back towards the Quidditch stands, her eyes scanning the crowd until they meet mine. A radiant smile illuminates her face, and my heart skips a beat. "You were incredible out there!" I call out, my voice filled with genuine awe. The crowd chants her name, but my attention remains solely on her.

Her eyes sparkle with joy as she traces her fingers over the necklace I had given her, her face soft and full of gratitude. "I'll meet you and Ominis back in the Great Hall," Ella shouts, flying back to her teammates who are all revelling in the glory of their victory. Imelda hoists the Quidditch Cup high, and the team erupts in cheers.

But my joy was short-lived, and my heart tightened in my chest as I watched Hunter's lingering gaze on Ella, his eyes filled with a mixture of admiration and desire. I clenched my fists, my nails digging into my palms as a surge of jealousy washed over me. The crowd's cheers and the victory celebrations faded into the background as my focus narrowed solely on Hunter's presence near Ella.

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