Chapter Eighteen

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Later in the evening, I was discharged from the hospital, my body and mind began to feel more like my own again. Sebastian had been a constant presence by my side throughout my recovery, never leaving me alone for a moment. His concern for my well-being was touching, even if it did verge on being overprotective at times. But there was something undeniably romantic about having him play the role of my knight in shining armour, and I couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement at the thought of it.

As I made my way through the crowded hallways holding hands with Sebastian, I basked in the glow of Slytherin's well-earned victory. Every member of our house offered their congratulations as I passed, ensuring that I was alright after my unexpected fainting spell. The atmosphere was electric, and I couldn't help but grin as I reminisced about the hard-fought match.

Despite my elation, I knew that there were still important matters to attend to. I needed to make my way to the Map Chamber and then report to Professor Weasley about what had happened at the Quidditch stadium. Although Sebastian was by my side, I knew that I needed to speak to the Keepers myself. I gently grasped Sebastian's arm and led him to a quiet corner away from the bustling crowd.

"Sebastian," I said softly, caressing his face. "I appreciate your support, but I need to do something alone."

He looked at me with concern etched on his face. "You still haven't told me what happened and what caused your fainting spell. I can't deal with this secrecy, El. You know you can trust me."

I let out a deep sigh, feeling guilty for keeping him in the dark. "I promise to tell you everything as soon as I tried to figure out what's going on. But there are some things I need to handle on my own for now," I explained, my heart heavy with worry. I couldn't risk Sebastian's life, especially with those constant recurring dreams about the figure in the black mask, until I knew what was going on or if the Keepers knew anything.

Sebastian's eyes softened as he looked at me, understanding dawning in his gaze. "Okay, I trust you. But please promise me that you'll come back to me and that you won't do anything reckless," he implored, his hand reaching up to brush a strand of hair from my face.

"I promise," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'll come back to you."

As I turned to leave, Sebastian's hand tightened on mine, pulling me back towards him. He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. "Be careful," he murmured, his gaze locked onto mine. The warmth of his embrace lingered even as I took a step away, and I turned back to look at him once more. "I will," I whispered back, my heart aching at the thought of leaving him behind. I looked around to make sure no one was following me, before taking another step.

Finally, I arrived at my destination: The Map Chamber. It had been a long time since I had last set foot in this room, feels weird not having Professor Fig by my side in this room. I took a deep breath and pushed open the door, entering the chamber with a sense of familiarity. I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sight of the four massive portraits of the Keepers, each one depicting a look of surprise as they laid eyes on me. Their gazes followed me as I made my way towards the centre of the room, feeling both surprised and nervous.

"Miss Jones," Professor Rackham said, his voice breaking through the silence of the room. "I can say I am surprised to see you here, but it's good to see you."

"Professor Rackham, I came here in need to speak with you and the Keepers," I said, my voice shaking slightly with nerves. "Something happened during the quidditch match, and I encountered a dragon."

"A dragon?" Professor Rackham repeated, his eyebrows raised in surprise.

I inhaled deeply and started to describe what had happened. I described what happened during the quidditch match, including the dragon's presence, the same dragon that attacked me and Professor Fig last year. I recounted how I had observed traces of dark ancient magic on the dragon just like Ranrok, as well as my belief that someone is out there looking for the Repository.

As I spoke, the Keepers' expression grew increasingly serious. They listened carefully; their eyes locked onto mine as if trying to glean every detail. "This is very concerning, Miss Jones. It seems that we may be dealing with a dangerous adversary, and one who is not afraid to use dark magic to get what they want."

I paused collecting my thoughts, was my recurring dream of the figure with the mask with the ancient magic rune, is this a warning? Professor Bakar noticed my hesitation and asked, "Is there something else, Miss Jones?"

I took a deep breath and decided to tell him about my nightmare. "Sir, I've been having this recurring dream," I began, "It's about a figure wearing a mask with an ancient magic rune on it. In the dream, they're after the Repository, and they'll stop at nothing to get it."

"Do you think this dream is related to what's been happening, Miss Jones?" asked Professor Rookwood.

"I don't know Professor," I replied honestly. "But it feels like more than just a coincidence. There's definitely something going on, and I think we need to be prepared."

Professor Fitzgerald chimed in, "In the meantime, I suggest that you stay vigilant and avoid any unnecessary risks. Understand that you are the Keeper and this is a very serious matter, we cannot afford to take it lightly."

I nodded, grateful for the Keeper's guidance. "Thank you, Professors," I said. "I'll make sure to be careful. In order to ensure Hogwarts is safe, I shall inform Professor Weasley, the Deputy Headmistress, of the situation at hand."

Professor Rackham gave me a small smile. "You're a bright student, Ella. I have every confidence that you'll be able to handle this like you did last year. Just remember to stay focused and trust your instincts."

"Thank you, Professor," I said, my voice steady. "I won't let you down."

I looked at the Transfiguration classroom door in front of me feeling a huge weight of responsibility over my shoulders and knocked on the door. "Come in," a voice called out from the inside, I opened the door and stepped in taking a deep breath to steady my nerves.

"Professor Weasley, I need to speak with you," I said, my voice firm. Professor Weasley looked up from her paperwork and she was surprised to see me and gave me a kind smile. "Miss Jones, I thought you would rest after your fainting incident. What can I do for you?"

"Something happened during the Quidditch match that no one has noticed whilst I was high up following the snitch," I paused, Professor Weasley looked intrigue to see where my story is going. "I have encountered the dragon whilst I was there, the same dragon that attacked me and Professor Fig last year."

Professor Weasley's was in shock to hear, "Oh dear, how did that happen? How did we even miss this? I can say I am glad you are alright." She looked at my intently, "How did you manage to defeat the dragon?"

"I didn't defeat the dragon, Professor," I admitted. "I was able to free the dragon from its trance, and as soon as it was free, it took off flying. But that's not the only thing, I also sensed traces of dark ancient magic on the dragon, just like with Ranrok last year. I think someone is behind all of this."

This is serious," she said gravely. "I need to inform the professors immediately to keep a look out. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Miss Jones. I'll make sure to inform them as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Professor. I just hope we can find out who's behind all of this before it's too late," I said, feeling a sense of determination rise within me.

"We will," Professor Weasley assured me. "But for now, I suggest you get some rest. It's been a long day, and you've been through quite an ordeal." She gave me a kind smile and ushered me towards the door. "Oh and congratulations on your win, by the way. You played brilliantly." I smiled gratefully at her before making my way out of the classroom.

As I strolled past a cluster of chatty girls, their exuberant whispers about an upcoming party caught my attention. It seemed that an owl had been making rounds, distributing secret invitations without the professors knowing to celebrate Slytherin's recent Quidditch victory. The party was slated to take place in a Slytherin common room and was open to all fifth-year students and above, from every house in Hogwarts.

I thought it would be wise to take a break and relax in my dormitory to recharge my batteries before meeting up with Sebastian later.

Sebastian Sallow: Duel of HeartsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant