Chapter Fifteen

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Later that evening, when I returned to my dormitory, I found a parchment note lying on my bed. It was written in an elegant cursive handwriting, and I recognise instantly who it was from.


I would like to speak with you. Meet me in the Music Room after curfew.

- Sebastian

My heart fluttered with excitement as I read the note. For so long, I had kept my feelings for Sebastian hidden, but now, it seemed as though fate was finally on my side. I quickly changed into appropriate attire and set out, silently tiptoeing through the darkened hallways while taking great care to avoid detection by the ever-vigilant prefects.

As I made my way to the Music Room, a growing sense of anticipation bubbled up inside me. I had no idea what Sebastian wanted to talk about, but I knew that whatever it was, it was sure to be important. The castle was hushed, save for the soft sound of my footsteps echoing off the stone walls and the occasional rustle of a portrait shifting in its frame.

As I approached the Music Room, the distant sound of classical music played on the piano drew me closer like a magnet. The beautiful and mysterious melody tugged at my heartstrings, urging me to enter. Climbing up the stairs, I pushed open the door to reveal Sebastian sitting at the piano, his fingers dancing gracefully over the keys.

I stood there in awe, watching him play for a few moments before he lifted his head to signal for me to join him. I walked over to him, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation building inside me. The room was dimly lit with flickering candles, casting a warm glow over the polished hardwood floors and the walls adorned with portraits of great composers.

As I sat next to Sebastian, I couldn't help but feel a rush of electricity coursing through my veins at the touch of his hand in mine. The haunting melody he played left me speechless, lost in the beauty of the moment. We stood there in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company and the exquisite music that had brought us together.

"I'm so glad you came, Ella," Sebastian whispered as he sat down beside me. "I wanted to share something special with you."

I returned his smile, feeling a pleasant flutter in my chest. "I'm glad I came too. Plus, you know how much I love a little rule-breaking," I said with a playful grin. "But I have to say, I was completely taken aback by your piano playing. It was absolutely stunning. How long have you been playing?"

"I've been playing the piano since I was young. My parents believed that playing an instrument could help develop one's creative intelligence. They made sure that both Anne and I learned to play different instruments - me on the piano, and Anne on the violin."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Really? I had no idea you were so musically inclined."

Sebastian chuckled, "There's a lot you don't know about me yet, El. But maybe I'll have to show you my skills sometime." I chuckled with him.

Sebastian's expression grew more somber as he continued, "It's been a long time since I played though. We used to play together with Anne, but after our parents passed away, I haven't really touched the piano."

My heart went out to him, and I reached over to take his hand. "I'm sorry, Sebastian, I bet they were wonderful parents." giving him a sympathetic smile.

"They were. And it's such a shame that you'll never have the opportunity to meet them, knowing how much I care about you, they would have loved you especially my mother. She would have appreciated your kindred spirit."

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