Chapter Two

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As I made my way to the Slytherin table, the aroma of delicious food from the kitchen below the Great Hall filled the air waiting to appear after the sorting ceremony and was buzzed with the sounds of students excitedly catching up after the summer break. My eyes scanned the sea of faces until they landed on Ominis, already seated at the bench and in conversation with Imelda Reyes.

I couldn't resist a smile when I saw him. I took a seat across from Ominis and beside Imelda, who greeted me and engaged us in conversation, updating each other on our summer experiences. Eventually, Ominis and I said goodbye to Imelda as she left to catch up with other Slytherin classmates.

As I listen to Ominis explaining his study schedule he has planned for the year, memories of our past interactions flood my mind. During my fifth year at Hogwarts, Ominis and I didn't have a good start but our shared bond in supporting Sebastian helped us, and now, I see Ominis as the sibling I never had.

"So, Ella, tell me are you ready for another year at Hogwarts".

"I'd say, after the events of last year and being a new student I very much to look forward for a calm year".

Ominis laughed, "Since when Hogwarts ever have a calm year".

I gave an ironic smile in response to Ominis's remark. He was right - Hogwarts had never been a peaceful place, especially after the incidents of the previous year. Being a new student at that time, I had encountered lots of thrills and dangers, which had made me the talk of the school. However, with Ranrok and Victor Rookwood gone, I was determined to utilise the little time I got left at Hogwarts focus on my studies and ensure the safety of the Repository.

I took a deep breath and let out a sigh. "I hope this year will be different, though. I hope we can have some trace of normalcy."

Ominis chuckled. "You know as well as I do that Hogwarts is anything but normal. But hey, that's what makes it exciting, right?"

From that moment I decided to change the topic and asked him something I was curious about. "How is Anne holding up? I know you two have written letters to each other and kept in contact."

"Yes, she's holding up as well as she can be, considering her circumstances. She is living in a cottage somewhere in Marunween sharing with one of her and Sebastian's oldest cousin. It's been tough for her, but I am glad she is still communicating with me. As much as she is disappointed at Sebastian for what he did she still misses him, but it's too soon for her to forgive him".

I felt a pang of sadness as Ominis spoke about Anne's condition. It was heart-breaking to think that she was still suffering from the curse and that there seemed to be no cure. I knew that we had to do everything in our power to find a cure for Anne, and hopefully, bring some peace to Sebastian's troubled heart.

As more students enter the Great Hall, my heart raced as I spotted Sebastian walking towards us through the crowd with a book in his hand. Even amidst the sea of students, his presence was unmistakable, and a smile spread across my face. As he drew closer, I could feel my heart skip a beat, and I couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement.

I turned to Ominis and whispered, "Sebastian is here." The anticipation in my voice was palpable, and I could hardly contain my excitement. It was as though the rest of the world faded away, leaving just the two of us in our own little bubble.

As Sebastian approached, I felt my cheeks flush with warmth, and my heart swelled with affection. Sebastian greeted us with a warm smile holding a book, I couldn't help but notice the way his eyes sparkled in the light. His voice was smooth and soothing, he has gotten a bit taller but kept his shaggy hair like last year.

"Hi guys, nice to see you both again" Sebastian said as he sat down next to me.

"Ah finally Sebastian you're here, let me guess you had your head bury in a book on your way here?" Ominis said as shook his head, he knows Sebastian's habits all too well, even without his sight.

"As always, Ominis. You know me too well." I couldn't help but notice the amusement in his eyes as he spoke to Ominis. His lips curved into a small smile, making me wonder what he was thinking. Then, his gaze shifted towards me, and I felt my heart skip a beat. The way he looked at me was different - his expression softened, and there was a silent understanding between us. It was as if they shared a secret that nobody else knew. He was about to say something but before he could, the sorting ceremony interrupted us.

After sorting out all the first-year students, Professor Black, the Headmaster, stood up and announced, "Before we begin with our feast, we have a new student joining the sixth year of Hogwarts who is transferring from Durmstrang Institute." Professor looked towards the entrance and saw Mr Moon standing there awaiting instructions, "Mr Moon, you can bring the student now for sorting."

All eyes in the Great Hall looked at Mr Moon at the entrance giving a small nod to Professor Black as confirmation. My curiosity was piqued, and I found myself eagerly anticipating their appearance. As the doors swung open, everyone's' eyes were drawn to a tall, very light skin figure with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes making his way down the aisle following Mr Moon. His presence and confident stride left me in amazement, and I couldn't help but feel a little intimidated.

As he scanned the room, our eyes met, and a chill ran down my spine. There was something about him that seemed familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. The other students around me were whispering in excitement, but I found myself lost in my own thoughts, wondering who this mysterious student is.

As we watched the new student take his seat, Professor Weasley placed the sorting hat on his head, and I held my breath, waiting to see which house he would be sorted into. "Interesting... very interesting," the Sorting Hat said, and I couldn't help but wonder what was so intriguing about this new student. The Sorting Hat continued, "A new student from Durmstrang, I see. You are a bit older than the others just like when Miss Jones started last year. A young man with a hunger for power and a disregard for the rules. You are ambitious, I'll give you that, but your thirst for greatness comes at a price. You are a cunning one, with a sharp mind and a thirst for knowledge. Yes, there is much ambition in you, and you will do well in...SLYTHERIN!"

All the Slytherin students stood up from the table and applauded. As he made his way to the Slytherin table and found a seat, Sebastian's eyes narrowed slightly. He seemed to be studying the new student intently, as if trying to pick up something from his demeanour. I could feel the tension rising in Sebastian, and I reached out to touch his arm. "Is everything okay?" I asked quietly.

Sebastian's gaze flickered to mine, and for a moment, I saw a flash of uncertainty in his eyes. "Yeah, everything's fine," he said, his voice a little too forced. "I just... have a bad feeling about him."

As we ate, I caught Sebastian glancing over at the new student from time to time. His eyes were narrowed, as if he was trying to read the boy's thoughts. I couldn't help but wonder what was going through Sebastian's mind. Was he worried about something specific, or was it just a general feeling of unease?

Unbeknownst to me, the arrival of this newstudent would completely alter the course of events.

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