Chapter Seventeen

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The most highly anticipated event of the year was the Quidditch match between Slytherin and Ravenclaw, especially after Quidditch was cancelled last year by Headmaster Professor Black. The stands were packed with spectators, all rooting for their respective teams. As I positioned myself on the field, a wave of nerves washed over me.

This was the moment we had been preparing for, the culmination of weeks of intense training. The tension in the air was thick enough to slice through, and the clouds overhead were ominous, casting a gloomy shadow over the entire stadium. The silence was broken only by the distant rumble of thunder, adding to the palpable sense of unease.

As we mounted our brooms and flew around the stadium before taking our positions in the middle of the field, Imelda led our team in a fierce battle against the Ravenclaws. She gave me a reassuring smile, which I gratefully returned as I tried to quell the nerves churning in my stomach. Hunter, positioned in front of me, turned around to cast a last glance my way. A small smirk played on his lips before he focused his attention back on the field, ready to start the game.

The match began with the sound of Professor Kogawa's whistle, prompting me to soar upwards in search of the snitch above the stadium. I could see Imelda and Hunter, streaking past me, dodging the bludgers that Ravenclaw was sending their way. Our chasers, Rosalind, and Gwendolyn were working hard to get the Quaffle through the opposing team's hoops. The game was intense, with both sides fighting hard for every point.

As time wore on, the intensity of the match ratcheted up, and the spectators' support grew louder and more passionate. Despite the ear-splitting cheers and roars of the crowd, I could spot my friends Gareth, Poppy, and Natty amidst the sea of people. I also caught Sebastian and Ominis, their faces lit up with excitement as they cheered me on. Even amidst the screeching of cheers, I could feel the overwhelming adoration emanating from Sebastian.

And then, in the distance, I spotted something shimmering. It was the snitch! My heart skipped a beat at the sight of it, and I immediately shot towards it, my broomstick slicing through the air at breakneck speed. The wind whipped my hair around my face, making my eyes water the higher up I go.

The dense clouds swallowed the snitch, making me invisible to the crowd below. Despite this, I kept my gaze fixed on the glimmering gold wings. Excitement coursed through my veins, making them pulse with anticipation. Suddenly, I spotted a dark shadow that caused me to abruptly stop in my pursuit of the snitch.

Sweet Salazar! No, it can't be. As I looked up, I saw the colossal dragon looming over me. Its scales were as black as night, reflecting the dark clouds swirling above us. Its eyes glimmered with a deep shade of red. I couldn't help but notice the goblin metal collar around its neck, radiating an ominous red glow that hinted at its dark ancient magic. A chill ran down my spine as I realised that this was the same dragon that had attacked me, Professor Fig, and had taken the life of George Osric before I started my fifth year at Hogwarts.

As I came into the dragon's line of sight, it charged straight towards me with a fierce determination. With quick reflexes, I maneuvered my broom to dodge the attack, feeling the rush of wind against my face. The dragon appeared to be radiating with a malevolent and ancient magical energy, almost as if it was being controlled by an external force. Strangely, the dragon seemed to be solely fixated on me, ignoring everyone else in its surrounding area.

Without hesitation, I accelerated and ascended higher into the sky, putting some distance between myself and the dragon. The dragon began preparing for another attack, forming a massive fireball in its jaws. Sensing the danger, I retrieved my wand from the pocket of my Quidditch robe, focused my energy, and channelled all my ancient magic to create a brilliant white light. My wand released an arrow of ancient magic that hit the dragon's chest with an explosive impact, causing the creature to bellow in agony. The dragon staggered backwards, its wings flapping wildly as it tried to regain its balance.

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