Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:

Until the End:

After I walked out of that hell hole, the place Royal called a home, I wandered without direction. I felt completely empty, like I am on my own now.

Nate, the man I have loved for so long, turned out to be a total ass. I never, not in a hundred years, would have suspected him to be a backstabber. If someone that close to me can turn out to be like that, then who else? Who is next? All the years we spent together were nothing but a lie. A long, much wasted lie. Not to mention, I had a fucking threesome with him. My mate... Oh God, Haze.

As tears threatened to spill, I yanked on my hair and forced myself not to think about that, about him. Instead I walked on. Kept my head high and let my wolf take over at the forefront of my mind. With her in place, the rage that was dwelling in the pit of my stomach, ignited and pretty soon became fire filled of hatred. Hate that ran through my veins and took place of the blood that was once there.

Vengeance. I wanted vengeance. I should have killed that sick son of a bitch, the bastard that betrayed me and forced himself on me. Yeah, he helped me escape and might have felt bad for all that he has done, but he fucked up. Which wasn't a spur of the moment fuck up. That was a well planned penetration and betrayal. We were his family, not that dumb ass of a father he had. We took him in. He became one of us.

As we continued to walk, we passed a small group of teenagers. At first, the need to kill them all came over me and I tried fighting it off, but Crazy was fighting me. She wanted to take over and do as she pleases. I eventually gave up the fight to her when she made it a good agreement that one of them looked very similar to Nate.

That did it. Letting a half shift take over, I went after them. As I got closer, I jumped out and grabbed the man that looked like Nate, but not really, and clamped down on the side of his neck with all the pressure I could muster.

The guy was dead instantly. Upon seeing the blood and death of their buddy, his friends started to yell and take off running away from the monster in front of them. Run away from me. I went after the other two guys in the group, killing them just as quickly, while I let the girls run off screaming for their lives.

I eventually ended up at a warehouse where I found bud was being packaged and stamped. It was like a golden ticket taking me straight to the jackpot. A jackpot filled to the rim with hollow eyes, flat lined hearts, lifeless bodies, and dismembered douche bags. I know it might not have been the best way to handle things, but it's how I liked to handle things.

Sometimes I have to do this. Let my wolf out, let her take control. Killing innocent people isn't the greatest thing and I always end up feeling a little guilt, but right now.

That's exactly what I am going to do; kill. Everyone I kill has to have done something wrong in their past. Hell, we all have. I am just helping keep the population under control. In fact, if it were not for people like me, serial killers, killing cults, family killers, and government, the world would become extremely overpopulated. I am doing everyone a favor.

That was the beginning of the many lives I took today. All male, not a single one was female, but I kept on. Kept chasing, teasing, torturing, killing. As I kept killing more and more people, the deaths got slower and more painful. They were getting cruel and more personal. At some point, I started eating the hearts that I found myself ripping out. It was almost too empowering.

Since I am pretty much sitting in the back seat of my own mind, I am not exactly sure why Crazy is taking hearts. It is almost as if there is a deeper meaning behind it. Like she is taking their hearts to destroy their love. Without a heart, there is no love. I don't know, that sounds entirely too cheesy for me to even consider, but I can feel like there is another reason. Maybe that's it, I just made it sound corny, but in reality it is very dramatic, romantic.

Off in the distance, I can hear people yelling. I am beginning to guess they have seen some of the bodies that I have left lying where they were killed. If we were using our head a little more then we were, we would have been more inteligent than that. I don't normally leave evidence lying around, especially not a dead fucking body that is floating in a pool of blood, in the middle of the street for anyone to see.

Moving away from the body I just released from my grip, I turn to where I hear a creak come from. In the doorway, there are a few men. The expressions on their faces cause me to laugh out loud.

Hearing me, they snap their heads in my direction. The shock couldn't be missed as they take in the room and realize that I am the only one here that is still alive. I could almost read their minds, how they are wondering how I could accomplish all of this on my own.

Now it was my turn to be shocked, as they all turn around together and started walking off in the opposite direction, their guns hanging at their sides. I find it quite odd that they wouldn't advance on me considering they had me outnumbered four to one. Not dwelling on this thought too long, I decide that it would be smart to get the heck out of dodge. I have a strange feeling about their behavior.

As I continue on my way to nowhere certain, I make sure to stay off main roads. I also haven't passed anyone or anything with a beating heart in a while either. Even the trees were quiet when just an hour ago they were full of life. As I think about it for a few minutes, I consider that there is only a select few reasons why it would be so quiet. It's eerily quiet. Almost like there are hunters in the area.

I stop walking once that thought filters through my mind a couple times. Cocking my head to the side, I consider the possibility that I could be the hunted instead of the hunter. With that, I plaster a smirk on my face and with my head still cocked to the side, I turn around.

"Well what do you know?" I say in my head to Crazy. I keep my eyes fixed firmly on the large group of men standing before me. In the front of their group, stands the two girls I let run off earlier today. The pissed off yet scared looks that are stretched across both of their faces has me bent over in hysterics.


Updated & edited 6/12/2018

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