Pocket Full Of Roses

Start from the beginning

I seethed. Who the fuck was this guy??? Arghhhhhh....

"I.Am.Not.Your.Women." I muttered through clenched teeth. He merely looked amused.

I heard an 'omg' and turned to look my whole class was filled with children with phones in their hands definitely making a video. I cannot make a scene here. Who was Ace anyway?

I turned towards him and whispered "My office now".

"So eager to take me to your office? Feisty. Like I said." He said with a smirk and licked his lips. My attention was pulled there but I soon recovered.

I rolled my eyes and held him by the forearm and went towards the door. I had to push through the fan club members in the morning but now they themselves cleared enough path for us.

Reaching my office, I pushed Ace inside and closed the door behind me. He smirked turning towards me and then looked around. It was a normal office. There was nothing that would stand out like a sore thumb. Public yet personal. It had no trees and trophies like other teachers... neither was here a big fat ass book shelf for books to gather dust on. It just had two pictures on my desk which was in Ace's hands right now. One of my parents with me on my high school graduation and then with Naomi from two years back when we took our first international trip and went to Disney Land. It was one of our most favorite places. Over the time we had visited many places but that one photo always put a smile on my face so that.

"You and Naomi are very close, no?" Ace asked looking at the photo with a small smile on his face. He looked absolutely handsome but it didn't fucking matter.

"None of your fucking business." I snapped.

Before I could utter a single word, he kept the pictures on the desk and crowded my space in a blink of an eyes.

"Pcholka, you don't know how hard my dick gets hearing you cuss. But as much as I would love to go on a verbal war with you, I'm here for another reason."

I swallowed. Fuck that was hot. His hand slid up and he held the roses for me. I peered over the roses as if they were fire and made no attempt to take them which caused him to place them neatly near my PC.

"Why the fuck are you here?" I said with no heat whatsoever.

"Because....." his eyes glowed with a mischievous glint as if he knew a joke I did not. I waited patiently for 5 seconds before blurting "Don't fucking play games with me Ace."

"Speak to me with respect pcholka." Ace said suddenly turning serious and his hand held my throat, lightly, not enough to cut my air supply, but enough to tell me he could do it in a heartbeat. "I will not take your foul sailor tongue when I for a fact know that you can be sweet." He growled.

The absolute dare of this man. Who in the actual motherfucking hell does he think he was? My fury reignited. I didn't know anything about him not even his whole name and here he was standing at my workplace directing me orders as if I was one of his servants.

"Who do you think you are?" I asked my body turning hot from the anger.

He bent down and nipped my ears and my body froze. All those memories coming back... of him and those words echoed in my brain. I felt cold... a shiver ran through my body but before I could say anything Ace held my hips and whispered in my ear "prints ada". What did that mean? I wondered.

My blood ran cold and I shoved him and he pulled back with a chuckle. Who was he? I didn't know of him and I was damn sure he won't tell me himself. Was he dangerous? With all drowning in Ronan's glory I did not pay heed to him or what he was up to. I met a stranger and left him at the end of the night thinking that was it. Wasn't it... it? i suddenly start feeling claustrophobic. The door seemed very far and this six foot four man with all these tattoos scared me. I was alone with him. Would he kill me? Everybody saw us leaving together so no way was he getting out of the situation but I did not want to die. Even after that day three years ago I still lived my life just not with men and with a regret as big as my pain.

I stared at him and whatever he saw on my face cause his smile to falter and stop. His brows furrowed as if in confusion. His eyes searching my face and in mere seconds understanding dawned on his face.

"I'm not going to hurt you pcholka... blyad' I would never even think of it." He said desperately as if in pain and my trust on him his medicine. Little did he know I did not trust easily and by easily I meant NEVER.

"Who are you?" I whispered again with fear laced in my words. But before he could answer, my office door opened harshly with a thump causing me to jump and him to...take out a gun? Oh my god. Who was he? I looked at the gun. An actual gun which he pointed to whoever was on the other side of the door. Fear gripped my lungs and my head throbbed. The red streams of blood and that sound of pop with that red shirt. The cry of agony. It was too much. Everything was coming back I could not take it, not again. Suddenly everything swayed or maybe I did because the next thing I know everything turned black.

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