Chapter XVII: Fated Duel

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"You both truly believe you can defeat me?" Vader says.

"We will do it, together."

Vader approached me and strikes my saber. He's so damn strong. I don't get it? How??

I swipe my blade up as he punches me in the face and holds my wrist tossing me into a crate room.

"Iki!" She runs to my side and looks at me. I nod and we look ahead.

I use both hands and Ashoka does too forcing the door closed as He approached it. I walk up to it as I no longer hear him.

"That should hold him for awhile." She said

That's when his crimson blade BURSTS through the door trying to get it open but me and Ashoka escape out of the back ventilation.

"I don't know if we can beat this guy. His connection with the Dark side is insane..." I said to her.

"The scariest part, he's way stronger than I remember." She says.

"Damn it.." I said.

I crawl through the vents as Ashoka follows.

We drop down outside and I try and run into this building. I open the door as Vader force chokes me now with a hand.

"You're a fool, You cannot escape from me." Vader says tightening the grip.

Then I struck Vader the head with a saber burning a small chunk of his helmets eye. The chunk revealed a yellow reddish eye of Anakin's.

I drop from the air.

Ashoka strikes him again and again trying to keep him off me.

I look at her and nod as I charge to her as we both duel Vader. Our blades clash as he speaks to us.

"I can feel your gathered hatred." He says looking at me, "Your fate is almost sealed." He says pushing Ashoka away and grabbing my shirt throwing me into the wall and continuing to duel Ashoka.

I angrily stand up.

"Yes...I can feel it." He says slamming his lightsaber into Ashokas.

I hold my hand out keeping his arm up as Ashoka strikes and I push him back a little.

"Strong with the dark side." He strikes harder at me as I kick his leg and strike the side of his cape.

Ashoka tries to Strike but she's pushed into the wall and hits her head before she drops to the ground.

"ASHOKA. NO!" I say angrily.

He spins me around and tried to strike my back but i swing my lightsaber as he swipes it with his. I spin my saber dueling him.

"IM GOING TO MAKE YOU WISH YOU NEVER TOUCHED HER." I said as we hold a clash going back and forth with strength.

"I have no other choice. But to destroy you." Vader says catching me off guard striking me in my back. the slash burns as I grunt in pain and grit my teeth. I fall on a knee as he stands over me. My eyes begin to turn yellow as I get angrier and as he slams his saber down I hold my saber horizontally to stop him from touching me. I'm trying to push him back but he's so strong. He hits like a tank. I don't know if I can do this, Im tired.

"IKARI??? IKARI!" Geo calls from my earpiece but it's broken as the connection goes in and out.

No. I will beat him. I have to. For Ursa.

I retract my saber and slide under Vader making him strike the ground and I kick him in his back while I strike him but he blocks it pressing him up against the wall.

Vader force pushes me and items around him lift up as they come slamming into me. I try and dodge them but they eventually overpower me as they slam into me, my other eye bleeding and mouth as well. The blood vessel in my eye popped and I lay a against the wall weak.

"You failed." Vader says.

"Not quite.." I toss a shield over Ashoka protecting her.

" can't hurt her..." I say smirking.

Vader lifts me by my shirt. "No matter." He sits me up and kicks me into the middle of the room while I lay helpless on my side bleeding from my mouth.

Ashoka wakes up to see me laid curled in front of her as Vader slowly approaches.

"NO!!!!" She says banging on the shield. "ANAKIN STOP! TAKE ME!" She uses an ability to burst open the shield and runs over to me and covered me.

"I won't let you hurt him. Not this time." She says standing in front of me.

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