Chapter III: New Beginnings

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Months have gone by. Day in and day out i've spent with Ursa.

"So what do you do? Do you just stay here?" I asked.

Ursa giggled, "I watch over my people. I'm really good at martial arts. So I defend them." She said as she tilted her head.

"And what do you do, Jedi?" She said.

"You know I don't know you know. Now that the Jedi order is practically destroyed. I might just cut myself off from the force. Be a peacemaker you know?" I said.

Ursa moves over to me and sits next to me in the grass. "Whatever you do, I support it." she said looking at me.

I felt this feeling I hadn't felt before. A rush of calmness passed over me. I looked at her and just smiled. Staring into her beady red eyes.  I looked down at her chest to see a necklace.

"What's that?" I pointed to the necklace.

Ursa looks down at it and holds it. "It's a picture my mother took of me when I was little. She loved photography. I was sold on tattoine and My parents helped me back to this planet where I belonged.

"Where are they now?" I said.

"Dead i'm afraid. They were killed in a fire. All I know is they owed some money and some group of people burned our house down. My Father got me out and went back for my mother. Then the entire house caved in. My heart broke." She said.

"I'm sorry Ursa. You don't deserve that pain." I said.

"It's okay." She said. "The pain made me strong. I had to be, I raised myself. Nobody was gonna save me but me." She laid her head on my shoulder. I winced but I didn't move her.

"Ursa. I'm gonna protect you." I said. "I promise."

Ursa Looked up at me and just wrapped her arms around my neck. "Thank you Iki." She said happily

"Iki?" I said laughing to myself.

"Yes it's my nickname for you." She said burying her face in my collar bone.

"I'll take it." I said putting my arm around her.

—— Time passes, It's been a long time since we've met, I even take Ursa up as my own Student in a way.—————-

"Try again, You have to focus and meditate. Do not let the force overpower you, just breathe and become one with it." I said

"That..That made no sense.." She said.

I sigh. "Okay, Lets try it."

Ursa stands up and holds her hand to a rock, she tries to get it off the ground, it rumbles on the ground. She hyperventilates as she loses grip

"Almost." I walk behind her and place my hand on the back of hers, she blushes and I show her how to do it exactly.

"Watch. Okay?" I smile as we look at each other.

I focus, I stick my hand out, holding it until the pressure of the rock explodes.

Ursa smiles, "You're so strong Iki. wow."

I smirk. "If you think that's something, then..let me show you what I can really do." 

I hold both hands out and close my eyes, rocks behind me begin to rise

"Iki! That's incredible!" She says laughing and smiling.

"Oh yea?" I say confidently.

I close both my fists and the rocks drop into a cannon several yards away, the rocks splash and the water pours down like rain on me and Ursa.

"S-Sorry." I said laughing nervously

She rolls her eyes and laughs, she looks back at a rock. She holds her hand out and focuses, the rock begins to levitate, she holds it as the rock begins to shake, The rock bursts.

I look very surprised.

"Ursa! You did it!" I said running up to her tackling her, I end up on top of her and we both laugh and stop. The cold air breezes as we both stare into each others eyes.


She grabs me. And plants a long kiss on my face. I knew from this day forward. I loved Ursa Gento.

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