Chapter I: Execute, Order 66.

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Alarms sound. I couldn't believe it. Seeing Jedi Fall. Seeing Master Skywalker kill my fellow padawan. I broke. I ran fast and far to a clone ship. I stopped as I seen clone troopers aiming their weapons at me. I got shot as I wailed in pain.

I used the force to push the clones against the side of the ship and grabbed one of the blasters as I got on the ship and closed the door behind me. I quickly ran over to the controls.

I remember Captain Rex taught me to use the ship just in case.

"Come on..Please.." I said.

The ship immediately jumped me into hyperspace. I fell to my knees as I ended up out of it momentarily. Alarms sound as the ship is landing for a crash due to low power. I panicked as I braced myself as the ship crashed on A planet unknown to me.

I got off the ship with the blaster in my hand. I noticed my cheek and arm was bleeding. I sighed as I wrapped my arm with some cloth I had from scavenging earlier for my lightsaber parts.

I looked in my pocket noticing that the hilt of my Saber I was constructing was destroyed. I tossed it angrily as I pulled my hood above my head to walk on the rainy planet to hopefully find civilization.

"I just don't understand. How could Master Skywalker do this? How could the clones betray us? Will everyone be okay? Will I even be able to return? What is even going on?" I said shivering in the cold rain.

I was walking for what it seemed like miles. Then, I spotted a small town. I ran fast as I met with some beings that didn't look like me. Their skin was orange, their eyes were red.

"Hello?..Is anyone there...?" I said speaking to them, "My name is Ikari...I'm not from here. Someone help me, please."

A woman grabbed me by my hand and guided me as I was weak from running.

"Rest young Jedi." As she put me on her back.

I was scared. I knew I had no one left. I didn't know to trust her. But without warning my vision got blurry. She took me to a tent.

And before I knew it, My vision goes black and I no longer have my hearing. I was terrified to even be here, but I had no choice, I trust no one. What will happen?

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