Chapter X: Freedom Fighters

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I set my travels to Illum. I heard on another Kashyyyk before I left, that there's a refugee group who set up to destroy imperial fleets. I had to see for myself.

As i'm in hyperspace, I look at my necklace. Thinking about Ursa, but I know what she would want, she would want me to continue moving, so I do.

I stand up and go to the back, I prepare my winter outfit and place my helmet on my head with my hood, I grab the hilt of my lightsaber and clip it to my belt.

I sit my helmet on the table and try to repair it to the best of my ability, my visor is still cracked but it will have to do.

I walk over to the cockpit as it is time to land.

I walk out of the exit, a strong cold blows by me. The respirator in my helmet has a feature keeping my face warm. I place my hood on as I walk. I walk miles. In my helmet I tap the side and listen to a recording of advice Master Plo Koon said to me.

"Ikari, one day you will be a noble Jedi Knight. even in your training you are a formidable apprentice however, as you will get stronger the dark side will pop out of you if you do not get it under control."

"But master, is it really bad to embrace parts of the dark side? What if you need strength." I said

"You sound just like him. Anakin Skywalker." He said. "You must train harder. You enemies will be formidable, padawan like you, Cal Kestis, Ashoka Tano, you all have potential. Do not let it go to waste."

The tape ends, I tune into radio signal as I continue to walk for what feels like miles.

The radio picks up signal in a corridor northwest from my ship. 

I ignite my lightsaber as my depth perception lessons. I walk to the iron door and press the button and I enter the dark room, I see ammunition and computers.

"What the hell?" I say, I feel a presence behind me and i'm struck in my head.

———————-Hours pass by.—————————

I wakeup with 3 people with guns drawn on me. I'm tied to a chair with my mask cracked more and my helmet still on.

"WHO ARE YOU!" They say in unison.

I ignore their question. "Where am I." with my head down

A man speaks. "You're in our home" he says sarcastically.

"I did not mean to be here." I said truthfully.

"Where did you get this?" The man says igniting my lightsaber blade at my neck. "This is an inquisitor saber. How did you get this?"

I look up at him with the burning purple reflecting on my helmet.

"Answer me!" He yells.

"I killed an Him. The Eighth Brother." I said.

He steps back, "How." He says quietly. "Who are you?"

"My name is Ikari. I've come from Kashyyyk because I heard about an alliance who destroys the empires fleet. I mean no harm. I am here to stop the empire. I'm a young Jedi."

Everyone pauses, The group laughs and chuckles to themselves. The woman rips off my helmet as My hair falls to my face, I look up and they see my fresh scar and beating green eyes.

"Okay tell us what you're really here for, you're obviously lying." She said.

"I have no reason to lie." I said angrily.

I use my fingers to pull the lightsaber and cut myself out the rope and ignite my saber. "I'm not here to hurt anybody."

"Prove to me, you're a Jedi." The man says.

"What, you need me to fight you or something?" I say smirking. "With what saber?" I say cockily.

"The one you stole of course." He ignites the other inquisitor blade that I took after beating him.

My smile fades. I get into my defensive stance and ignite the other blade. Something's odd though. He only is using one blade. I'll still beat him.

I charged at him. Spinning my saber as we go blow for blow. He punched me in the face and held my hilt, it cut off my saber. I forced pushed him but he barely moved. He forced pushed me into crates behind me.

My eyes widen. "Who..Who are you?"

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