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As Cleo walks down the busy London street, her head is down, eyes locked on her phone. She doesn't look where she's going, and thus accidentally bumps into someone on the street. Cleo apologizes profusely, but then comes to a complete stop as she recognizes the person standing before her.

" Tanya?"

" Cleo?"

The two women lock eyes and share a laugh at the coincidence.

" How've you been?" Cleo asks.

" Good, actually," Tanya smiles, then has a beautiful stranger wrap an arm around her waist, " Cleo, this is Daisy... my girlfriend."

Her words make Cleo's lip curl upwards as she shakes hands with the beautiful red-headed woman.

" It's nice to meet you," She nods, " And it was nice running into you, Tanya, but I've got to get going. My boys-- I mean my partner... is waiting for me back home."

" Who's the lucky guy or gal?" Tanya questions.

And in that moment, Cleo finds her mind working overtime to produce an answer that would make sense to the couple standing before her.

" It's sort of a... poly, type of situation," Cleo utters.

" How modern," Daisy chuckles.

" Well, if you'd like, we're having some people over at our flat on Saturday," Tanya offers, " You should come."

" Definitely," Cleo nods, " I-I'll think about it... still got your number."

And so, Cleo returns to the shared flat, where Steven excitedly approaches and gives her a kiss on the lips.

" Hiya, love," He beams, " Missed you."

" Missed you, too," Cleo smiles as her nostrils flare in delight, " What smells so good?"

" Come, come, I'll show you," Steve says as he grabs her hand and ushers her over to the kitchen, " Ful Medames and basbousa. Made from scratch."

His sparkly eyes and twinkly grin make Cleo's heart melt as he gazes down at her.

" Thank you, baby."

" It's nothing. No worries."

The two then sit at the dining table, where the dig into the delicious food, that reminds Cleo of her home. The homemade Egyptian food made with love brings her back to her native land, and the fact that it was made by someone she loves makes it even better.

" Sooo," Steve trails, " Tell me bout your day."

" Well," Cleo clears her throat, " I ran into an old friend, Tanya."

" Oooh, lovely," He utters.

" And she invited us to her flat on Saturday. Just a few people."

" Sounds perfect, can't wait."


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