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His hands move along her body as if trying to memorize every single inch of her skin, every imperfection and every curve.

His mouth moves along her neck, kissing the delicate skin as her head tilts back, her body aching for more, more of his touch.

His fingers dip into her hips as he pulls her impossibly close to him.

She can feel his breath on her chin, his hot, ragged breath that sends goosebumps all along her body.

Their hooded eyes finally meet, and she finds herself getting lost in his beautiful brown eyes, his curly hair falling over his forehead and sticking to the damp skin.

Her mind unfortunately cuts the dream short as her body awakens her with a deathly ache in her lower belly. She pulls back to white comforter to reveal the white sheets now stained a darkened red from the blood escaping her uterus.

Cleo groans as she throws her head back into the pillow. She wants nothing more than to stay in bed, for she knows the pain will halt all her movements for the rest of the day.

As her eyes close, her mind soon brings her back to her dream that never finished. So vivid, she can practically feels the hands on her body.

A moment of clarity washes over her as she convinces herself to get up from the bed and strip the sheets from the mattress. She simply brushes off the dream as her hormones acting up during her time of the month. It's completely normal to have sexual thoughts and desires, especially when your uterus is expelling an unused egg from inside of you. It's just hormones, nothing more. It's the human mind tapping into its primal instincts. Instincts that would never act upon.

As Cleo brings the stained sheets to the washer, Ana sits directly in front of the door, as if waiting for something. And sure enough, a knock soon echos from the hall, and Ana begins to meow as she leaves her spot and wonders into the living room. Cleo walks over to the door, unlocks the locks and opens it.

" Hi, there," Steven says, greeting her with a smile from his spot in the hall, " I-I brought you some coffee," he holds up the two to-go cups that fill his hands, " You know, as a thank you for yesterday."

As Cleo's eyes look up into his, her mind can't help but flash back to the dream, and it now clicks who the man in her dream was.

It was Steven.

" Steven..." She says, his name leaving her tongue ever so softly, " Thank you... but I'm afraid I can't drink caffeine right now."

" Why not?" Steven asks, his eyebrows furrowing as his head tilts from the curiosity.

His eyes glance down, only for a second, but upon seeing red they quickly dip back down. He sees red stains of blood on either side of her thighs. His eyes widen, but he quickly brings his head back up, as if not to stare and make her uncomfortable.

" Oh!" He exclaims, " Oh... oh, riiight," the realization hits, " Because caffeine can make your cramps worse, got it, got it."

Cleo smiles with just her lips, can't help but love the fact that a man is aware of such a thing, for most barely understand how periods work in the first place.

" I still appreciate the gesture," She says, her head leaning against the door, her eyes still locked on his, " That was very--" her sentence is paused as a large bundle of pain explodes from within, causing her eyes to shut as her body tenses, "... kind of you."

Steven's frown returns to his lips as he sees her tightly grip the door frame as she struggles through the pain.

" You alright?" He asks, " Oh, right, cramps."

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