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Pyramids of Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the world, built for kings.

2.3 million blocks of stone to create a 5.75 million ton Great Pyramid. 20 years and 100,000 men to create such a beauty that's stood the test of time.

It's a marvel to the world, both from their stature and from their mystery. It is said that there's not much inside of the pyramids, but perhaps that's because they weren't looking in the right places, for both Marc and Cleo walk through an old and musty hallway, mirrored with gold plating that glows from the light source up ahead.

" I can't believe it. Oh my days, we're inside. We're inside the Great Pyramid of Giza."

Steven is in complete awe of his surroundings, sounding like a child in a candy shop. Marc's head turns to face the reflection as Cleo keeps her eyes in front of her, trying to contain her elation.

A large head cast in stone with braided hair billowing down sits at the far end of the room with a bassen in the middle with a dozen steps. Multiple statues of Egyptian deities stand proudly in front of chairs, as if it's a throne dedicated to each individual god.

Hathor, Horus, Osiris, Isis, Tefnut.

Cleo begins to scratch at the inside of her elbow, feeling her skin crawl inside of the unearthly temple. As they reach the steps, Marc's eyes drop down to her arm, and then back up to the side of her head. He buries his questions for the time being to descend the staircase and more people begin to pop out of the other hallways, perhaps other Avatars. Marc keeps his guard up as a man walks to a chair, and sees a woman in a dark pink dress make eye contact as she walks over to the pair from her portal.

 Marc keeps his guard up as a man walks to a chair, and sees a woman in a dark pink dress make eye contact as she walks over to the pair from her portal

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

" Khonshu's theatrics are unparalleled. You must be his Avatars," She says as she greets them.

" Avatar," Cleo corrects, " Singular."

" You are not one of Khonshu's?" The woman asks.

" He is. I'm not," Cleo says, stating the painfully obvious.

" And who are you?" Marc asks.

" I am Yatzil. Avatar of Hathor."

" Okay."

" Goddess of music and love?" Yatzil says, attempting to get some sort of recognition from the man, and it only makes Cleo's itch even stronger.

" Cool," Marc brushes off as he looks around the room.

" Surely Khonshu mentioned her?" Yatzil asks with a tilt of her head.

But Marc shakes his.

" The gods aren't really his favorite topic," He says.

" Not even when they are old friends?" Yatzil asks, followed by an ethereal whisper, " She says it was not so long ago Khonshu enjoyed Hathor's melodies," she takes a step closer, and Cleo's nails dig further into her skin, attempting to relieve herself of the insatiable itch.

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