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Chaos is the one thing  that seems inevitable in their lives, that no matter what, chaos will  ensue. That no matter what, they are destined to be chaotic.

Steven  and Marc's lives have been seemingly better since the day they earned  their freedom and now walk the earth as their own people.

But with the warm embrace of freedom, comes the cold truth of reality.

The  world runs on money, which is something they lack. And Cleo, in her  infinite kindness, has been supporting them both until they can find a  means to acquire a paycheck.

While her accounts may be sizable, they will not last forever, but she's too gracious to say anything about it.

Steven  appreciates her, everything about her, but he will not stand for her to  be spending her money on him. And so, he throws himself into a job  hunt, desperately trying to find something, anything.

He's just too nervous.

He  fumbles over his words and has a hard time figuring out how much eye  contact is too much, so ends up trudging back to the flat with his head  down and spirits dampened.

And  as soon as she sees him, Cleo slaps closed her laptop, ignoring the  email she has just received in order to tend to her saddened puzzle  piece. She stands up from the couch and brings him into her arms, where  Steven buries his head into her shoulder as his lips tremble.

" I-I don't know what's wrong with me."

" There's nothing wrong with you, Steven."

As  for Marc, his difficulty lies with the fact that not only does he have  no resume, but also happens to be a wanted mercenary. His face is  somewhat recognizable... and therefore Steven's is, as well.

He  knows there's a target on his back, and the last thing he wants is to  have either Steven or Cleo get hurt, which is why when he's in control,  he hardly leaves the building. He attempts to soothe his mind by taking  every precaution he can. He sets up security cameras outside both  Steve's and Cleo's flats. He checks the locks every single morning and  every single night. He scopes the surroundings of both apartments,  checking for any sign of something that doesn't belong, or perhaps an  enemy hiding.

Marc never finds anything, and yet it provides him no comfort.

Marc never finds anything, and yet it provides him no comfort

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But to Cleo,  all she sees is someone who's making no effort. She doesn't have access  to his thought, and as such can only go based on what her eyes tell her.  She sees Steven going out and applying for jobs, but she doesn't see  Marc doing the same.

" Can I have 20 bucks?"

" Oh, um... sure."

Cleo reaches into her wallet to give Marc the cash, of which he gladly accepts, and then immediately walks outside the flat.

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