Said the girl whose social life is practically extinct.

Grace the newest member in our squad came to the table with a radiant smile on her face plastered on her face. She wasn't beautiful in the classical way, no flowing golden curls or ivory skin; no piercing eyes of green. She was shorter than average and certainly larger than a catwalk model, but in her ordinariness she was stunning. She was confident in who she was and that kind of did the magic. Something radiated from within that rendered her irresistible to both genders. Men desired her and women courted her friendship.

"Like my new stole?" She said dusting off imaginary dust from the floral scarf that banded around her neck.

"You look like Tutankhamen." George came fighting with the books he had hugged with his chest. Thumping them all over us, he grinned, proud of his joke, adjusting the harry potter glasses he wore.

Jamie stifled a laugh while I elbowed her, realising my friendly responsibilities towards Grace who seemed to feel the burn of the joke seconds later she finished updating her Snapchat.

But who was I kidding, George is by far the entertainer of our squad. I started grinning in no time.

"If I cared about your opinions I'd ask for it." Grace scolded.

"Okay, someone is in a good mood today." Jamie mocked taking the largest human bite possible from her double decker cheese chicken sandwich. My stomach rumbled just at the dripping sight of the cheese and I desperately found myself giving my best friend the puppy dog eyes for a bite.

She rolled her eyes and forwarded her once bitten sandwich at me, the chicken sheet moulded in cheese totally visible from the inside. Times when I thanked God for giving me such a best friend!

Goes without mention, the bite did to me what Ratatouille did to Anton Ego in the movie. It tasted the usual perfection if you're from our school but something so delicious that no one till date has ever said no to. Our canteen is one of many things to boast about St. Jameson. The canteen was always jam packed with students standing in long queues in front of the grand counters, some seated in circles engaged in their worldly matters and some staff working all around the canteen. The food in demand has always been the double decker cheese chicken sandwich, its something what we call legendary but there are all sorts of other items which would make you not bring lunch from home.

"Oh, I have every right to be. You guys know right, the band, McFly is in our town for a concert? Well my dad had promised to take me there since forever but now unfortunately can't, coz he has to attend some stupid board meeting!" She angrily crossed her arms and huffed.

"Well I know how to play bagpipes if that helps. I mean not really but um I watched it on TV a couple of times and it looks...well I can try! I heard Blossom plays piano marvelously so there you go, our very own band. We'd name it McSwim!!!"

Grace was about to rage but George continued, "No no, don't worry, its free for you. The first one is always free."

Her urge to wring his neck died as all of us but Dexter bursted into laughter. We had turned to the superlative version of ROFL with the exception of Dexter who smiled at us politely before concentrating back on his study notes.

During these fraction of seconds as George mentioned my name and I tried hard to fight away some memories before they overpowered my thoughts and ruined my entire day, my eyes accidentally landed upon Dexter's, who had been looking at me. I wasn't the school's most gorgeous looking girl, it was more Grace's department. My hair looked like a bird's nest blown by a hurricane all the time, my skin light and pale so every time someone looked at me, the first thing that came to my mind was whether there was something wrong with me. I ran my fingers through my hair drifting them away from my face as it occurred to me, he was still looking.

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