EIGHT. welcome to the dojo

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It wouldn't hurt to check out Miyagi-Do.

She opened her bedroom door, making sure to grab her duffle bag before leaving and heading out of the house.

Jack left the den area and peaked out of the window, seeing Rory sitting in one of his cars with her head pressed against the stirring wheel before heading off.

Layla approached from behind, resting her chin against Jack's shoulder.

"I saw those Cobra Kai kids, Layla." Jack said, "Some of them were ruthless. Nothing like the Wasabi Warriors."

"Maybe Miyagi-Do is different." She reassured, "This will be good for her."

They could only hope that this would be good for Rory. To find her footing in Reseda like Belly had. They hoped that Rory would find herself again.

RORY STEPPED out of the car and shut the door behind her. Taking slow steps into the dojo as she reminded herself that this wasn't the Wasabi Warrior.

She truthfully didn't have to leave her last behind, but she had to move forward or else she would continue to compare new dojos of her old one.

She stepped inside the area, it was comforting in ways with the large, outdoorsy feel.

Robby and Sam turned as they heard footsteps approaching and Rory sent them a small wave.

She didn't know that Sam would be practicing in this. She had no problem with the girl. She didn't really know Sam. She was more so friends with Belly rather than her.

"Hi." Sam softly smiled, "We haven't properly met. I'm Sam."

Rory return the small smile, introducing herself to the brunette and gave a small nod towards Robby.

"Hey, guys." Mr. LaRusso called, "Ms. Brewer." He smiled, "Welcome. Perfect attendance on day one."

"So, what's our first lesson?" Sam asked.

"We're starting right now?" Rory asked.

Daniel turned, "Will that be a problem, Ms. Brewer?"

She simply shook her head and sat her duffel bag down as he instructed for the three to follow him. i

They followed him towards the front of the dojo and watched his Daniel poured sand onto the ground into a circle.

"If we're gonna play on sand, can't we go to the beach?" Sam asked.

"No, not today." Daniel answered, "It's been a long time since this dojo's had more than one student, and you figure with three people, you have three times the defense, right? Wrong. One of the cornerstones of Miyagi-Do Karate is always moving in a circle. And with the wheel technique, you'll soon see that three people can be as strong as 20. Now, are you ready?"

For an hour or so, Daniel began to teach and/or reteach techniques that he viewed as best for his three students.

But in Rory's eyes, it felt more like meditation rather than karate. That wasn't a bad thing, it was her first day with a new Sensei and she wasn't going to judge so quickly.

"Now, show me the wheel." Mr. LaRusso called.

As they began to move within the circle, Mr. LaRusso told them that they had to move in sync or else it wouldn't work.

"Technique?" Robby questioned, "This feels more like a dance."

"At what point do we do the hokey pokey and turn ourselves around?" Sam asked jokingly.

He sighed, "Ok, guys, trust me. You master this, no one's gonna mess with you. Come on. Let's try it again."

Once again, they were all out of sync and Mr. LaRusso said that they needed to be able to sense each other to be able to have this concept work.

✓ delicate ミ robby keene [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON 6]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon