Our Family Fights

Start from the beginning

I nodded at Hank then remained silent. Slow footsteps appeared from behind me, looking over my shoulder I saw Nick standing there with a blank stare. Pushing myself up out of the chair I was soon followed by Hank and Trubel.

Nick:"It's over."
Me:"Guys let me talk to him alone."
Hank:"I'd say use caps office but who knows when he'll be back."
Me:"I know where to go."

Hank had Trubel follow him back over to the desks while I walked with Nick towards the interrogation room. Opening the door, Nick walked in then I stepped in after him. Closing the door I looked towards Nick seeing he was stuck inside his mind, whatever he did has taken a toll on him. Sighing lowly I walked over to lean up against the wall,

Me:"Nick, it's okay if you couldn't do it."

He released a frustrated sigh before looking at me,

Nick:"I'm sorry.."

Smiling softly, I nodded. This was something I expected him not to follow through on.

Me:"It's okay, I understand."
Nick:"No, you don't."

The door of the interrogation room opened then Sean walked inside closing the door behind him.

Sean:"It's time."
Me:"Yea okay I'll be out there in a minute."
Sean:"No Sy, now before Kate runs out of time and changes back to herself."
Nick:"Go on, we'll talk more later."


Walking inside the house with Sean, all I could think about was if Kate would be okay or not, I'm sure the potion has already worn off of her by now. Sitting down on the couch I noticed Sean was staring at his phone then pressed it against his ear, studying his movement I could tell he was speaking with one of the remaining Royals. He stayed on the phone for a good while before hanging up to look over at me.

Sean:"They know Kate isn't you, they are willing to do an exchange."
Me:"When and where?"
Sean:"They'll call soon."
Me:"Alright I guess I'll be ready before then."

Sean sighed then walked over to me laying his hands on my arms,

Sean:"This isn't the way I wanted things to go but we'll have to in order to get Kate back.."
Me:"I know, and you should know I would trade my life for any of you guys."
Sean:"I know that all too well, are you sure about this?"
Me:"Come on, you act like I don't have a few tricks up my sleeve."

Sean softly chuckled then smiled faintly,

Sean:"I'm sure you do darling, just worried things will get worse before getting better."
Me:"That's the story of our lives."
Sean:"Unfortunately, well since we're home what do you want to do til then?"
Me:"I have something in mind."
Sean:"Oh really?"


Sean and I had made it to the location for the exchange. Stepping inside we saw Kate who had her hands tied in front of her but was standing with a female, looking to Sean I could see he knew who the female was.

Sean:"I see your still breathing."
Shelia:"I can say the same thing about you, Sean."
Sean:"Let Kate go first."
Shelia:"No, you know exactly how things work!"
Me:"Well in order to make this exchange you need to let Kate go first."
Shelia:"I'll set her free when I damn well please. You have no right speaking to any Royals. In fact, Grimm, you need to learn your place in this world!"
Sean:"I didn't allow my father to speak to my wife that way nor will I allow you to speak to her that way! Fix your tone right now or this exchange will be over."
Shelia:"If your father didn't sleep with that Hexenbeist bitch, we wouldn't be in this position now would we?"

Oh, this must be the Queen. Rolling my eyes out of annoyance I crossed my arms staring at the woman.

Me:"But Hexens are amazing in bed, you didn't know that?"
Shelia:"You shut your damn mouth!"
Me:"Awe does the truth hurt sweetheart? Man, I'm sure King Fredrick thought the same thing."

That's all it took for her to get angry which made me laugh a little,

Shelia:"You listen here bitch and you listen good! Turn yourself over now."

Laughing a bit louder I then shrugged my shoulders before walking towards her. As Kate made her way over to Sean, I noticed the glint in his eyes,

Sean:"Just remember Queen Shelia, you asked for this exchange."
Shelia:"Am I supposed to feel threatened?!"
Sean:"You should. You will have your hands full the second I walk out that door."
Shelia:"Oh please, killing a Grimm is very easy."
Sean:"I wouldn't say that but what do I know? Darling, don't behave."

I slowly smirked as Sean escorted Kate out of the building.

Sean's P.O.V

Standing near the car with Kate I began untying her hands as multiple gunshots went off. Seeing Kate get worried I had her get in the backseat before she even attempted to go back inside, leaning up against the back door my body slightly jolted forward from Kate banging against the door, a loud scream appeared causing me to stand up straight, was that Sy screaming?! Getting ready to walk towards the door I haulted myself since the building door had opened. Sylas walked out with Queen Shelia's head in her hand, as soon as Sy stopped in front of me she held up Shelia's head with a smile,

Sylas:"Think this would make a good Halloween prop?"

Laughing lowly I shook my head before looking at her,

Me:"Maybe but we shouldn't, we need to get rid of it."
Sylas:"Oh we will, my part isn't finished just yet."

Knowing what she meant by that I gave her a nod before opening the trunk for her to wrap the head in the plastic then we climbed inside the car.

Sylas:"Did you have fun?"
Kate:"Not really, your family is messed up Sean."

I sighed while starting the ignition,

Me:"Yea tell me about it."
Sylas:"We have one stop before taking you to Trubel."
Kate:"Okay that's fine."

Looking to Sy I saw she was already looking at me, grabbing a hold of her hand I lifted it to place a kiss on her knuckles before pulling away from the building.

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