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I am trying to enjoy my mom's made Indian milk tea while going through my Economics notes. Although this year I couldn't crack my exam but I am positive enough that I will clear it soon.

The tea tastes good and sweet like always and it takes just 4 to 5 seconds to make me think of him. He also loves tea and because of him my love for tea has become very intense. But why do I still love it the same way even when it's all in the past now.

Yes, it's going to be 6 months since he has gone to UK for his MBA and in love with a white girl. Geez. It doesn't affect me that much but somewhere it does. After all it's 6 years that I was with him.
I open my instagram to enjoy my reels and geez again he has posted some story.

He is in Starbucks with his girlfriend Stella. They both are smiling widely while his hands are on her shoulders and they both seem pretty excited about God knows what and seems like they'll go and make love next. Shit Anika you need to focus on yourself so what he has a girlfriend, doesn't mean I need to turn into a maniac. It's been 6 months since my breakup and I have cried pretty enough to realise how it was for good and better and I should work completely on my self because cracking national exam, well that's not as easy as it seems.

I keep my phone down as I hear my father(papa) calling and I go ahead to sit with him. He says, " Beta (child) with this NGO do you want to go ahead and be a part of it and do some social work in your home town? "

I remember how I told my father that I like working for social cause and would like to do some social work in my hometown which is pretty well under some poverty meanwhile I am also searching a job that will ask me for only like 2-3 hours of work so I can earn some money as well as I am dying to earn by myself right now.

I say " Yes papa, I would like to give it a chance. I have like 1 and a half month for this thing and I think I would like to go for it".

Papa says " Well then, I have talked with one of the managers and they are well impressed with your resume, you should go for it. "

I told him yes and I came back to home to do some packing.

My packing is almost done and I check that there's a Gmail from which is a small part of this huge company of India. I open the page and it has considered my resume and I can write some professional answers for them which will pay me around 15-20k monthly. I get all happy jappy and call my father to give him the news. Both my mamma papa seems pretty happy with it, after all this would be my first earning.
They have called me for filling out my details and I'll be good to go after that.


I reach my hometown in Devaria which is a very small district. I reach my Bua's Place and she greets me with pleasure and compliments me on my weight loss. Not gonna lie, that boy has made me shed some kilos.

I go on to meet my chacha and Chachi and obviously all my cousins are there. Well one of my Bua's daughter who is Anjali is getting married in next 20 days and it's the month of May so all my family has come over in here and it seems like a pretty good time.

I meet my sisters Sanjana, Vartika, Smita, Maitreyi, Anshika, Khusboo, Aparna, Vaidehi, Kavya, Kalpana and Anjali and then my cousin brothers Soham, Kapil, Kabir, Prakhar , Saksham, Rohan and Krishant.

It's 20th May and the heat is killing us all. We are going to the engagement of Anjali Di and all of us roaming from here and there in a chaos of getting our makeup done. Well, we are laughing and crying at the same time.

Soon enough, after getting 1 hour late, we reach the venue and all the girls are posing themselves for some pictures. The hustle is really keeping me distracted and I guess happy. I am neither thinking about him nor about anybody else. I used to hate it when I was a teenage, now that I am 20 I just want to get hold of the beauty of all of it. The culture, the beauty, the whole scene.

We go on to meet everybody. Everyone is looking so pretty and we go on to eat and eat ane eat. Our girl gang is now heading on to tease all the bhaiyas(brothers) to go and find girls for themselves. They are standing in a group sipping on coffee. I see familier and non familier faces at the same time.

Kabir bhaiya complements me for my weight loss and I give a wide smile to him. "Did you join gym or something?" He asks.

"Yes I did". I tell him while feeling so shy because I really put hardwork in this body. I was dysmorphic and now it's for the first time in my life where I am not worrying about if I am looking chubby or not.

"Oh wow, How much have you lost?" He asks while I was expecting he won't.

"13 kgs in 6 months". I replied. Everyone was looking quite impressed.

Deepak bhaiya was offering coffee to us. He looks at me and asks me to hold one cup. I further move on to take a sip when I see a guy standing beside Deepak Bhaiya looking at me while sipping on his coffee.

My heart skipped a beat for a second. I wonder why does this face looks familier to me. I may have seen a guy like him on some Indian web series or movie but I can't remember where. Whoever he is, he is going to grab attention of all these girls with me soon enough. He looks at Kabir bhaiya.

"Vihaan are these your car keys" shouts Kabir Bhaiya.

"Oh yes, they are. Thankyou so much." Vihaan replies softly.

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