Chapter 31: The Nuptials

Começar do início

As soon as he entered the private club run secretly by Jorginho, he spotted the madman getting stuffed in the face by some woman with a voluminous ass. Beside him was Hermes, his head off account. Then there were their friends from college, Bruce, and Steve. There was also quite a few girls present, but he still hadn't spotted the face he wanted to see.

"He is finally here!" Jorginho dragged his words when Markris got to them. He tapped and signaled the girl with the voluminous ass to leave them alone. She eyes him from his head to his toe, hissed, and walked away.

Markris shook his head and rolled his eyes. "It's barely ten, and you're already tipsy." He snatched the bottle of wine from Jorginho's hands and took a good gulp before handing it back to him. A space opened between the two blonde-haired boys, and he sat down.

"My man!" Bruce and Steve said in sync as they hit both sides of his shoulders. He cringed inwardly. The fact that they were still stuck in their frat ways was a bit disgusting to him. It's why he never really accepted their invites to hang out. This was the one day he couldn't avoid them, though.

"Still can't believe you're the first to get married. There's just no way!" Hermes sitting across him, said. Hermes had the most striking feature out of the bunch. He had too many contrasting elements that made him beautiful fascinatingly. His deep dark eyes were probably the most striking of all.

"Another thing I beat you to, bro." He joked, and they all threw their head back in laughter.

"I can never understand men desiring marriage. There are way too many women on earth to consider something so monogamous." Jorginho said, his face scrunched in disgust.

"You get it." Bruce agreed, taking a big gulp and belching loudly afterward. Markris scrunched his nose and shifted slightly. He cussed himself for sitting beside these two mannerless men. Hermes caught his frustration and smiled.

"Mark, could you come over here quickly? I want to show you something." He said, shifting slightly to create space between himself and Jorginho. Markris quickly stood up and changed position. As he sat down, he shot him a look of gratitude, and Hermes nodded.

"I want to see it too." Jorginho stretched his neck but stopped midway as the room temperature suddenly changed.

Everyone's head turned to the direction of the door as they watched a girl walk in. Markris felt his heartbeat increase as he watched the object of his recent desire approach their table. She looked way different from me. The Ariana he saw in the office. She was putting on a dress that stopped just below her thighs, and she had let her curly blonde hair loose.

"Fuck!" He yelled out.

"Who is she?" Bruce said, stretching out his neck so hard it was a few seconds away from snapping.

"Tell me she's coming to our table." Steve gasped.

Hermes sat indifferent about the whole situation. When he had first employed Ariana, he had done that because of her brains which blew him away. It was after he caught the men in his department picking apart her looks like starving lions he realized she was attractive. Still, she wasn't his type. He preferred his women more snobbish and less accessible.

Their eyes followed her as she stopped at the bar. She beckoned on the bartender to come closer, and she whispered something into his ears. He nodded and turned around to ransack his bar. He turned to her again and handed her the bottle of wine he fetched from the bar. She placed a couple of notes on his palm and walked away.

"Fuck, she's coming this way!" Bruce announced, and they all adjusted themselves, adopting a disinterested expressions.

Jorginho rolled his eyes, almost breaking into a laugh even. He felt for the two men almost at the verge of barking with their waggling lustful tongues. If only they knew she was all Markris, they were in for a rude awakening.

"Hello, boys." She greeted, finally getting to them.

"Ariana." Markris smiled before the blondes could say anything.

"Hey, I brought this for you," She handed the wine to him. "Congratulations." She said shyly.

"Oh, you know he is getting married. I'm Bruce, by the way." The bulkier of the blonde said, stretching his hands to her.

"I'm Ariana." She replied, taking his hands in hers before taking it out as quickly as possible. The smile on Bruce's face promptly faded as he withdrew his hands, his ego bruised. Steve held back his laughter, ad he watched his friend humble. Hermes, on the other hand, was low-key proud of her, even if he still had his reservations about the fact she wanted to get with a man about to tie the knot.

"I didn't plan on staying for long. I just stopped by to say congrats to you." She said, turning to Markris again.

Hermes smiled, even more, proud now. Maybe she did not plan on sleeping with him.

"Really?" He asked, a frown enveloping his face. He thought he had explicitly requested Jorginho to lay the foundation of his intentions. Why was it looking like he wasn't even in the parking lot of the zone? He threw a side look at Jorginho, who suddenly found the ceiling a much more exciting view.

"Yes. But I'll like to talk to you privately before I leave." She smiled.

"Okay." He shrugged and got up from his seat.

"Bye, guys." She waved to the other guys as she turned around, with Markris following closely behind her.

Forced Marriage To The Billionaire (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora