Chapter 15: The Prideful Trash

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Lorena ensured Makris was deep in sleep before she mustered all her strength to push him off her body.

Gently, she rolled off the bed and tiptoed out of the room. Only when she was safe in her room, did she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Now, she was angry.

"Beg him? Will I beg him to touch me? Who does he think I am? Some pathetic, desperate chic craving his touch? Stupid, stupid bastard!" She thought aloud.

"He's not even all that. I blame the multiple women that have made him believe he is some catch. My Marcielo is a better man than that asshole!" She landed with a thud on her bed. She crossed her legs and folded her hands tightly. Scrunching her face, she allowed the events of the past twenty-four hours to resurface. Then she got teary-eyed.

"I hope you're okay, Marci. I do." The suspense was killing her. She unclasped her sweaty palms as a thought struck her mind. She turned around to reach out for her phone on the bed stand, but it wasn't there. She searched under her pillow, the wardrobe, and even the bathroom, but she still couldn't find it. She was about to dig under her bed when she paused, remembering she had been in Makris's room for a long time.

"Shit!" She cursed, straightening up. She prepped herself to go into his room again, praying he was still asleep.

Lorena stepped out of her room and looked around to see if anyone was up. Her room was far in the right wing of the house, while he was at the left.

A long corridor separated the wings. She tiptoed silently until she got to his room. Opening the door slowly, she made her way in. She frowned and rolled her eyes when she saw Markris lying on the bed like a wood log, snoring away.

"Stupid!" She scrunched her nose and stretched her hands to the bedside table to grab her phone. Just as she touched the phone, Makris stirred on the bed. She froze, praying he didn't suddenly wake up again. She couldn't deal with his arrogance right now.

"Hera." She heard him whisper repeatedly. She peered closer and saw his eyes were still shut tight.

Lorena scoffed and rolled her eyes harder. Of course, he was dreaming about a woman. Not only was he arrogant, but he was also a nasty womanizer.

At that moment, she despised her father for forcing her into this sham of a union. She couldn't stand being in the same room with him again, so she walked out.

In her room, Lorena plugged in her phone and put it on. Stream of notifications began to pop up. Most were from brands telling her they loved her dress. Then there was one from her manager saying she needed to call him back. She hissed and went to her contracts, dialing her sister's number.

It was four in the morning, and ordinary humans were still asleep. She prayed her sister was still awake.

"What is it, Lorena?" She heard her sister's voice, and her skin jumped.

"Verona!" She caught herself in time from breaking into a scream that would wake the whole house up.


"I didn't think you were still up." She lowered her voice.

"Well, I can't exactly sleep until the baby does." She sounded stressed, and Lorena suddenly felt bad about calling her this early.

"It's okay if you can't talk now. I'll call you later in the day."

"Don't be silly, Lorena. Here."


"I was handing the baby to my husband."

"The duke watches the baby?" Her eyes almost popped out of their socket with surprise.

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