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𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬
( C4 )

" MAJ ." I said running into the kitchen .

When I walked back into. The house I seen Ramaj laid out in the kitchen floor with blood surrounding him . While there was a gun on the ground with the back window open.

I ran out the back window only to find the gate lock busted and in the distance I see a car . Not js any car it was Jordan's car .

It's been a long ass road wit this lil beer that was started up between us and when my life was in danger and I was harmed I didn't really care but when it comes to my little brother who's all I got that's when he's gon have to realize the petty lil shi is over .

I called Ky cause I ain't know who else to call . I couldn't get the cops involved unless I wanted them to find out bout the shi that was going on .

" KY KY PLEASE YOU GOTTA HELP ME MAN ." I said running back into the house and putting pressure on his wound .

"Sincere what's going on talk to me ."

" It's Ramaj Jordan Shot him while I was at the other side of the house and I don't know what to do  I'm finna go crazy man ."

" oh my - ok listen to me sincere hold his wound down and make sure he doesn't bleed out im on the way and I'll bring some of jeanise people through so we can help him ."

Jeanise was one of the lil ghetto hospital nurses who's always been here for all the times niggas got shot stabbed burned up and all that .

" Alr please hurry I feel like I'm loosing him ." I said crying into the phone .

I've always been seen as a stronger type of man by all my peers and shi but right now I'm anything but strong and I'll admit it I'm on the floor crying  and shi but I'm not even ashamed of that .

My little brothers life is in my hands and if I loose him imma js loose myself all together.

Fuck the money fuck the cars by the gangs and all ts if I don't got my little brother wit me this ain't life that I wanna live .

" you gotta make it man you gotta pull through ." I said quietly to him wiping my tears with my blood hand that wasn't even in the wound .

I felt something on top of my hand and I looked down to see his hand on top of mines .

" help me .... Please sincere I don't wanna die ." He said slowly in a strained type voice .

All the sudden he heard the front door get busted in and  Ky and jeanise and all them ran straight into the kitchen and immediately jeanise started working in him .

I didn't wanna let go but Ky forced me too and took my into the living room with her but I didn't expect to see Milano sitting there was well .

" daddy why you do messy ?" She said almost about to give me a hug

"I got into the He paint again mama  you don't wanna get messy like me huh ." I said smiling weakly at her

" nope that's nasty ."

" yea so why don't you got upstairs and pick out daddy and outfit so I can shower and get changed up yea ?"

" ooo okay  can uncle maj come with me ." She said running up the stairs

" I wanna special outfit from just you today alr ?"

" oo okay ."

Milano loved picking my outfits with Ramaj  every chance I gave them and I really didn't wanna have to let that go .

I knew it was going to take her a while since she's a lot shorter than most my cabinets but I know in the end she's gon have my outfit .

" Yo ." Is aid calling KD

"  what's the word ?"

". We killing them niggas tonight's and im not playing he just shot Ramaj and I'm done wit the petty shi and all ts get the niggas we finna roll out :"

" they shot lil bro ?"

" yea man ts driving me crazy I needa kill them niggas and im not even for the bs no more ."

" say no more imma round the niggas up we gon spin fasho ."

After I cut he call with KD I looked over to see Milano already picked my outfit but was sitting on the couch eating her lil Cheeto puffs .

I thanked her and grabbed the outfit heading to my room and shower with only one thing on my mind .

Is my baby brother gonna die ?

I washed all the blood off and cleaned up before heading out the shower and shi and going downstairs to find jeanise sitting on the couch .

" so ..." I said even though I really didn't want to know especially not if it was gonna be the news of him dying.

" sincere l looked at all his injuries and found where he was bleeding from and I removed the bullet we did almost loose him but we were able to shock him back and I can clear say that Ramaj is going to be fine he just needs to recover back especially cause if all the blood he lost but other than that he will be just fine he's up in his room asleep and will wake up around this time tomorrow ." She said smiling at me

I couldn't help but to run up and hug her .

". Thank you so much man youn know how much tht is means to me ." I said hugging her crying into her shoulder .

". Anytime sincere you guys are family so don't cry and go be upstairs with him ."  She said before leaving the house .

" thank you so much KY this meant so much to me ion know what I would've done without you ." I said hugging her as well

" anytime brother man I got you same way you got me ."

My phone started ringing and I picked it up to see that it was KD .

" we ready let's get active wit these  Niggas ."


Time for Jordan and then to die 🌝

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